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1.Framework Overview:

Developed an automation framework using Selenium WebDriver, Core Java, and TestNG for testing the Goodreads web application. Followed the Page Object Model (POM) design pattern to enhance maintainability and readability of the code.

2.Script Purpose:

The primary objective of the script is to automate the process of finding a specific book on the Goodreads website based on its title.

3.Technologies Used:

Selenium WebDriver: Used for automating web browser interactions. Core Java: Used as the programming language for writing the automation script. TestNG: Employed as the testing framework to manage test cases and generate reports.

4.Page Object Model (POM):

Implemented the Page Object Model to organize and encapsulate the web elements and their functionalities. Created separate classes for each web page, storing the XPath addresses of the elements in these classes.

5.End-to-End Scenario:

Step 1 - Launch Goodreads:

Open the Goodreads website using Selenium WebDriver. Step 2 - Search for a Book:

Navigate to the search functionality on the Goodreads site. Input the title of the specific book to be searched. Trigger the search and wait for the results to load. Step 3 - Select the Book:

Locate and click on the search result corresponding to the desired book title. Step 4 - Validate Book Details:

Verify that the details of the selected book match the expected information. Step 5 - Logging and Reporting:

Utilize TestNG annotations for logging and reporting purposes, capturing the execution status of each step.

6.Git Integration:

Integrated the project with Git for version control and collaboration. Maintained project notes and documentation within the repository for easy reference.


  • The script provides an automated end-to-end test scenario for searching and validating book details on the Goodreads web application.
  • Regularly update the project documentation and consider adding detailed comments within the code for further clarity.