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You've got a new app going! 🤘

Use this readme to provide information around how to set up, run, test, and deploy your app.

Getting Started

  1. Install dependencies:
$ yarn
  1. Run a full-on app:
$ yarn dev
  1. Run tests:
$ yarn test

It's recommended to use Postgres, for both your development and test environments. If this sounds good to you, add the following dependencies:

$ yarn add pg pg-native

And uncomment the Postgres uri configuration from each environment:

// recommended to use real postgres in development
// uri: process.env.POSTGRES_URL || `postgres://localhost:5432/${}_development`,
uri: 'sqlite://src/config/db/app_development.sqlite'

Remember to create a postgres database in the name of your package (, or with another name you prefer.

Touring Hyperstack

Let's take a stroll around the main parts of your new app.

1. Your environment configuration

Take a look at:

2. Your app

Take a look at:

Now that you're done, why not run a generator, see what it does?

Generate a model:

bin/hyperstack g model Post

And a controller:

bin/hyperstack g controller posts

3. Set up your own Postgres and Redis

You start with Hyperstack immediately in development because the development environment is configured to use sqlite. You should, after feeling comfortable (or immediately), move to Postgres.

Although Hypermodel supports what ever database sequelize supports, we think a good all-arounder is just Postgres so we officially just support that. Redis is used for background jobs.

For development, you can use or a postgres container, and a local Redis (brew install redis) or a Redis container.

Of course, you can always wrap both your Postgres and Redis in a docker compose, you can start from this one

Your direct point of interest should be config/environments/test.ts because testing on a real Postgres is better than a toy sqlite db in development.

Happy hacking!

Your app is ready to run. Go to the Hyperstack website for docs and more.