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Real World Examples

Daniel Spilker edited this page Oct 14, 2017 · 25 revisions

This page shows how to use Groovy features in the DSL for advanced scripting.


def jobName = 'example'

job(jobName) {


def giturl = ''
for(i in 0..10) {
    job("DSL-Tutorial-1-Test-${i}") {
        scm {
        steps {
            maven("test -Dtest.suite=${i}")

Be aware of problems with the Groovy SDK loop methods.

Multi-line strings

def viewspec = '''
//depot/Tools/build/... //jryan_car/Tools/build/...
//depot/commonlibraries/utils/... //jryan_car/commonlibraries/utils/...
//depot/helloworld/... //jryan_car/helloworld/...

job('PerforceJob') {
    scm {

REST API calls

def project = 'Netflix/asgard'
def branchApi = new URL("${project}/branches")
def branches = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parse(branchApi.newReader())
branches.each {
    def branchName =
    def jobName = "${project}-${branchName}".replaceAll('/','-')
    job(jobName) {
        scm {
            git("${project}.git", branchName)

Import other files (i.e. with class definitions) into your script

Importing Groovy classes from the workspace is not possible when script security is enabled since that would undermine the script approval process. As an alternative it is possible to package the classes into a JAR file and add that JAR to the classpath through the Additional classpath option. Classpath entries are subject to the approval process. See Job DSL Gradle Example or Job DSL Sample as starting point for building and packaging classes.

Make a directory at the same level as the DSL called utilities and create a file called MyUtilities.groovy in the utilities directory with the following contents:

package utilities

class MyUtilities {
    static void addMyFeature(def job) {
        job.with {
            description('Arbitrary feature')

Then from the DSL, add something like this:

import utilities.MyUtilities

def myJob = job('example')

Note that importing other files is not possible when Script Security is enabled.