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A nodejs module for connecting a homematic CCU via XML-API addon


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A nodejs module for connecting a Homematic CCU with an installed XML-API addon.

The module addresses the XML API and provides the required interfaces and data types in JS. It is released as npm module under homematic-js-xmlapi

Interfaces currently implemented

  • devicelist.cgi
  • state.cgi
  • statelist.cgi
  • statechange.cgi
  • sysvar.cgi
  • sysvarlist.cgi
  • version.cgi



npm install homematic-js-xmlapi

Basic Usage

import { XmlApi, DeviceManager } from 'homematic-js-xmlapi';

// initialise the API Connection
const xmlApi = new XmlApi("", 80);
const deviceMgr = new DeviceManager();

// get all devices 
xmlApi.getDeviceList().then((deviceList) => {
  if (deviceList) deviceMgr.updateDeviceList(deviceList);

// get single state value 
xmlApi.getState('1481').then((deviceList) => {
  if (deviceList) deviceMgr.updateDeviceList(deviceList);

Example of the update implementation for receiving the data without using DeviceManager

const deviceMap:Map<string, Device> = new Map();

function updateDeviceList(deviceList: Device[]) {
    for (let device of deviceList) {
        if (deviceMap.has(device.iseId)) {
        } else {
            deviceMap.set(device.iseId, device);

More Examples

More examples and details in exampe.ts

You can also check my own project for detailed usage example and inspiration




The XmlApi class provides the XML connector for the homematic xml addon. The class provides a separate function for each call, which returns a corresponding JS data object.

Constructor usage

import {XmlApi} from "homematic-js-xmlapi";
const xmlApi = new XmlApi("", 80);

Api functions

import { DeviceManager } from 'homematic-js-xmlapi';

// Get XML Addon Verion
// return Promise<number | null>
xmlApi.getVersion().then((version) => {
  console.log('XML Addon version: ', version);

// Get all devices ...
// return Promise<Device[] | null>
xmlApi.getDeviceList().then((deviceList) => {
  if (deviceList) deviceMgr.updateDeviceList(deviceList);

// Get a single device state ... 
// return Promise<Device[] | null>
xmlApi.getState('1481').then((deviceList) => {
  if (deviceList) deviceMgr.updateDeviceList(deviceList);

// Get all device states ...
// return Promise<Device[] | null> 
xmlApi.getStateList().then((deviceList) => {
  if (deviceList) deviceMgr.updateDeviceList(deviceList);

// Get a single SystemVariable value ... 
// return Promise<SystemVariable[] | null>
xmlApi.getSysVar('7264').then((sysVarList) => {
  if (deviceList) deviceMgr.updateDeviceList(deviceList);

// Get all SystemVariable values ...
// return Promise<SystemVariable[] | null> 
xmlApi.getSysVarList().then((sysVarList) => {
  if (deviceList) deviceMgr.updateDeviceList(deviceList);


Constructor usage

import { DeviceManager } from 'homematic-js-xmlapi';
const devMgr = new DeviceManager();

Api functions

// Add or Update a single Device
// Parameter: Device

// Add or Update a list of Devices
// Parameter: Device[]

// Get actual count of known devices
// Get the actual cached device with given device name
// Parameter: name: string 
// return Device | null

// Get the actual cached Channel with given Channel name
// Parameter: name: string 
// return Channel | null

// Get the actual cached Datapoint with given DataType from given Channel
// Parameter: channel : Channel
// Parameter: type : DataType 
// return Channel | null

// print a complete list of all kown devices to console 

// print a complete list of all kown devices grouped and counted by deviceType to console


Constructor usage

import { SystemVariableManager } from 'homematic-js-xmlapi';
const sysMgr = new SystemVariableManager();

Api functions

// Add or Update a single Variable
// Parameter: SystemVariable

// Add or Update a list of variables
// Parameter: SystemVariable[]

// Get actual count of known variables
// Get the actual cached device with given variable name
// Parameter: name: string 
// return SystemVariable | null

// print a complete list of all kown variables to console 

Data Object

The library automatically converts the XML response into different JS data objects. The following data types are provided:

import { Device, Channel, DataPoint, SystemVariable } from 'homematic-js-xmlapi'
import { DataType, ValueType } from 'homematic-js-xmlapi'  //only if needed
Device {
  name: string;
  iseId: string;
  unreach: boolean;
  stickyUnreach: boolean;
  configPending: boolean;
  address: string | null;
  deviceType: string | null;
  channel: Map<string, Channel> = new Map();
Channel {
   name: string;
    iseId: string;
    address: string | null;
    dataPoint: Map<DataType, DataPoint> = new Map();
DataPoint {
  name: string;
  iseId: string;
  type: DataType;
  value: string;
  valueType: ValueType;
  timestamp: Date | null;
SystemVariable {  
  name: string;
  iseId: string;
  value: string | number | boolean | null;
  valueList: string;
  valueType: number;
  timestamp: Date | null;

Development and build pipeline

Release a new version

npm version major|minor|patch
npm publish

Further documentation

Homematic XML-API CCU Addon

Step by step: Building and publishing an NPM Typescript package.


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).