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AWS Lambda - IAM Access Key Disabler

Image of KeyIcon

The AWS Key disabler is a Lambda Function that disables AWS IAM User Access Keys after a set amount of time in order to reduce the risk associated with old access keys.

AWS Lambda Architecture

Image of Arch

SysOps Output for EndUser

Image of iPhoneEmail

Developer Toolchain

Image of Toolchain


Can be configued to:

  • Email a warning message to any IAM user account whose access keys are about to expire or have been expired, refer to the email.user section within the /grunt/package.json build configuration file. The user's email address can be derived either from their username, or by specifying a named tag on the IAM user account:

Tag based email address config extract:

    "email": {
      "from": "",
      "admin": {
        "enabled": "False",
        "to": ""
      "user": {
        "enabled": "True",
        "emailaddressconfig": {
          "type": "tag",
          "tagname": "email",
          "reportmissingtag": "True"

Username based email address config extract:

    "email": {
      "from": "",
      "admin": {
        "enabled": "False",
        "to": ""
      "user": {
        "enabled": "True",
        "emailaddressconfig": {
          "type": "username"
  • Email a report containing the output (json) for a single key scan to a single defined administrator account, refer to the email.admin section within the /grunt/package.json build configuration file.

Note: IAM Access Keys are only disabled, not deleted nor replaced


This script requires the following tools to run.

Note: Setup assumes that you have an existing AWS account with SES (email) enabled. SES usage requires that you have a domain verified and sandbox mode removed.

Installation Instructions

These instructions are for OSX. Your mileage may vary on Windows and other *nix.

Before you start make sure that your AWSCLI configuration has been correctly setup with the right credentials and that it can authenitcate into your AWS account. Run the following command to check who it is authenticating as:

aws iam get-user

IAM permissions must be granted to the account which is used to perform the deployment (grunt deployLambda). The required permissions must at least allow the following AWS CLI commands to run, the fullset used for deployment and setup:

aws iam list-policies
aws iam create-policy
aws iam list-roles
aws iam create-role
aws iam list-attached-role-policies
aws iam attach-role-policy
aws lambda list-functions
aws lambda delete-function
aws iam get-role
aws lambda create-function
aws events list-rules
aws events put-rule
aws lambda add-permission
aws sts get-caller-identity
aws events put-targets
  1. Grab yourself a copy of this repo git clone
  2. Navigate into the projects grunt folder: run cd aws-key-disabler-2020/grunt
  3. Setup the Grunt task runner, e.g. install its dependencies: run npm install
  4. Update the custom configuration within the /grunt/package.json file:
  • Update to contain name (metadata) of AWS account into which deployment will take place
  • Update to contain AWS account into which deployment will take place
  • Update to contain AWS region into which deployment will take place

Note: Can be overridden at deployment time using grunt deployLambda --awsaccountname=BLAHCORP --awsaccountid=123456789012

  • Update key_disabler.keystates.first_warning and key_disabler.keystates.last_warning to the age that the key has to be in days to trigger an email warning.

  • Update key_disabler.keystates.expired to the age in days when the key expires. At this age the key is disabled.

  • Set to True if you want to send an email report to an administrator email address containing a full report of all IAM users and their Access Key status. Email delivery is performed via AWS SES (make sure that it has been configured correctly). Configure to be a valid email address.

  • Set to True if you want to send an individual email to each IAM user - containing the information about their Access Key status and whether a particular key is due to be expired or has been expired.

    • Configure one of the following options:
      • Set to tag for tag based email addresses - you also need to specify the tag name for this option.
      • Set to username for username based email addresses
        • Set to be the name of the tag on the user account that contains the user's email address
        • Set to True to send an email to the administrator if the tag does NOT contain a valid email address
  • Update to be a valid email address.

  • Update key_disabler.lambda.schedule.expression to be a valid cron job expression for when you want the Lambda function automatically triggered.

  • Update key_disabler.iam.skip_usernames with a list of IAM usernames which should be skipped - used to specify special IAM accounts (service or system type accounts) which don't need key rotation. Can be overridden at deployment time using grunt deployLambda --skipusers=sysuser1,sysuser2

  1. From within the /grunt directory - run grunt bumpup && grunt deployLambda to bump your release version number and perform a build/deploy of the Lambda function to the selected region

Invoking the Lambda Function manually from the commandline using the AWSCLI

This is useful for testing and performing adhoc runs

Execute the lambda function by name, AccessKeyRotation, logging the output of the scan to a file called

aws lambda invoke --function-name AccessKeyRotation --region us-east-1

    "StatusCode": 200

Use jq to render the contents of the to the console:

jq '.'

  "reportdate": "2016-06-26 10:37:24.071091",
  "users": [
      "username": "TestS3User",
      "userid": "1",
      "keys": [
          "age": 72,
          "changed": false,
          "state": "key is already in an INACTIVE state",
          "accesskeyid": "**************Q3GA1"
          "age": 12,
          "changed": false,
          "state": "key is still young",
          "accesskeyid": "**************F3AA2"
      "username": "BlahUser22",
      "userid": "2",
      "keys": []
      "username": "LambdaFake1",
      "userid": "3",
       "keys": [
          "age": 23,
          "changed": false,
          "state": "key is due to expire in 1 week (7 days)",
          "accesskeyid": "**************DFG12"
          "age": 296,
          "changed": false,
          "state": "key is already in an INACTIVE state",
          "accesskeyid": "**************4ZASD"
      "username": "apiuser49",
      "userid": "4",
       "keys": [
          "age": 30,
          "changed": true,
          "state": "key is now EXPIRED! Changing key to INACTIVE state",
          "accesskeyid": "**************ER2E2"
          "age": 107,
          "changed": false,
          "state": "key is already in an INACTIVE state",
          "accesskeyid": "**************AWQ4K"
      "username": "UserEMRKinesis",
      "userid": "5",
       "keys": [
          "age": 30,
          "changed": false,
          "state": "key is now EXPIRED! Changing key to INACTIVE state",
          "accesskeyid": "**************MGB41A"
      "username": "CDN-Drupal",
      "userid": "6",
       "keys": [
          "age": 10,
          "changed": false,
          "state": "key is still young",
          "accesskeyid": "**************ZDSQ5A"
          "age": 5,
          "changed": false,
          "state": "key is still young",
          "accesskeyid": "**************E3ODA"
      "username": "ChocDonutUser1",
      "userid": "7",
       "keys": [
          "age": 59,
          "changed": false,
          "state": "key is already in an INACTIVE state",
          "accesskeyid": "**************CSA123"
      "username": "ChocDonut2",
      "userid": "8",
       "keys": [
          "age": 60,
          "changed": false,
          "state": "key is already in an INACTIVE state",
          "accesskeyid": "**************FDGD2"
      "username": "",
      "userid": "9",
       "keys": [
          "age": 45,
          "changed": false,
          "state": "key is already in an INACTIVE state",
          "accesskeyid": "**************BLQ5GJ"
          "age": 71,
          "changed": false,
          "state": "key is already in an INACTIVE state",
          "accesskeyid": "**************GJFF53"

Additional configuration option

  • You can choose to set the message used for each warning and the final disabling by changing the values under key_disabler.keystates.<state>.message
  • You can change the length of masking under key_disabler.mask_accesskey_length. The access keys are 20 characters in length.


This script is provided as is. We are happy to answer questions as time allows but can't give any promises.

If things don't work ensure that:

Bonus Points

Once the Lambda Function has been successfully deployed - the following commands can be performed:

  1. aws lambda list-functions
  2. openssl dgst -binary -sha256 ..\Releases\ | openssl base64
  3. aws lambda invoke --function-name AccessKeyRotation report.log --region us-east-1
  4. jq '.' report.log
  5. jq '.users[] | select(.username=="johndoe")' report.log
  6. jq '.' report.log | grep age | cut -d':' -f2 | sort -n

Bonus Bonus Points

  1. jq 'def maximal_by(f): (map(f) | max) as $mx | .[] | select(f == $mx); .users | maximal_by(.keys[].age)' report.log
  2. jq 'def minimal_by(f): (map(f) | min) as $mn | .[] | select(f == $mn); .users | minimal_by(.keys[].age)' report.log