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MIT License

This is a tool meant to help people collaborate on code more seamlessly by integrating some core programming tasks into a single web IDE. It also encourages collaborator awareness without generating onerous distractions, and can serve as a bridge for people learning to use version control.


  • project-wide synchronous editing (updates in real time)
  • testing, both with PythonTutor and our website renderer
  • robust GitHub interface (push, pull, checkout, fork, branch)



git clone

You will need to register an application key with github in order to login with their OAuth system - more information on how you can do that here. On a related note, there is the github developer program, which I think you (may?) need to join if you want to register an app - this is free. The application will look for deployment keys in the app/private folder, in production.json and development.json, respectively. This is what the insides of those files should resemble:

    "service": "github",
    "clientId": "YOUR-CLIENT-ID",
    "secret": "YOUR-SECRET-ID"

Once this is setup, simply start running it locally:




This application is currently deployed on Heroku, with the following buildpack set up to decrypt the secret key information in private/. The ROOT_URL variable has to be set to where you are hosting it, beforehand. Then, horse-buildpack is used to install meteor and start up the server.


This project started out as work done for my master's thesis, which can be found here.