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jtappin edited this page Aug 28, 2012 · 68 revisions

This page presents the current gtk-fortran status.

#Wrapper statistics ##GTK+ 2.24.10, GLib 2.32.3 July 27, 2012

  • nb_files scanned = 571
  • nb_generated_interfaces = 9119
  • nb_type_errors = 383
  • nb_errors (others) = 325
  • nb_lines treated = 24980
  • nb_variadic functions = 88

##GTK+ 3.4.2, GLib 2.32.3 July 27, 2012

  • nb_files scanned = 600
  • nb_generated_interfaces = 8708
  • nb_type_errors = 774
  • nb_errors (others) = 275
  • nb_lines treated = 23909
  • nb_variadic functions = 89

##GTK+ 2.24.6 October 13, 2011

  • nb_files scanned = 554
  • nb_generated_interfaces = 8972
  • nb_type_errors = 196
  • nb_errors (others) = 314
  • nb_lines treated = 24267
  • nb_variadic functions = 85

See also the list of Tested functions

##GTK+ 3.2.0 October 13, 2011

  • nb_files scanned = 569
  • nb_generated_interfaces = 8717
  • nb_type_errors = 186
  • nb_errors (others) = 260
  • nb_lines treated = 22509
  • nb_variadic functions = 86

#Tests under various systems All examples available at the indicated date have been tested using CMake or the or test.bat scripts.

##Windows 7 - 32 bits gfortran 4.6.0 20110209, GTK+ 2.24.0, Glib 2.28.1

  • julia_pixbuf.f90: g_usleep is not available under windows ? Use SLEEP(1) instead (gfortran extension). But strings libglib-2.0-0.dll|grep -C 5 sleep find g_usleep...

April 28, 2011. vmagnin

##Windows XP - 32 bits GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.7.0 20110419, GTK+ 2.24.0, Glib 2.28.1

  • julia_pixbuf.f90: g_usleep is not available under windows ? Use SLEEP(1) instead (gfortran extension).
  • cairo-tests.f90: is crashing (without message) before drawing the Mandelbrot set.

April 29, 2011. vmagnin.

##Linux Ubuntu 11.04 - 32 bits GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.6.0 20110107

  • GTK+ 2.24.4: no problem.
  • GTK+ 3.0.8: 'menu_proxy_module_load' messages for some programs. But this message is known to disappear in GNOME 3.0 (GTK+ 3 is not fully integrated in Ubuntu 11.04 desktop). See also Gtk3.

July 21, 2011. vmagnin

##Linux Ubuntu 11.10 - 64 bits GCC 4.6.1

  • GTK+ 2.24.6: no problem.
  • GTK+ 3.2.0: no problem.

October 13, 2011. vmagnin

##Linux Fedora 15 - 32 bits GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.6.0 20110428 (Red Hat 4.6.0-6)

  • GNOME 3.0, GTK+ 3.0.9: no problem. CMake is perfectly working.

June 5, 2011. vmagnin

##Mac OS X 10.6.7 (Darwin 10.7.0 on x86_64) on a MacBook Pro with a Core2Duo gtk 2.24.4 quartz version as well as gfortran 4.6 using macports.

April 18, 2011. Paul F.

##Linux Pardus 2011 - 32 bits.

  • gtk 2.22.1: GTK_STOCK_QUESTION icon is incorrectly displayed (probable Gtk/KDE conflict). (Also seen in Kubuntu 11.04 64 bits with 2.24)
  • gtk_combo_box_text* routines in julia_pixbuf.f90 are not found (need gtk+ >= 2.24)

May 11, 2011. James T

##Linux Debian (Sid) - PowerPc 32 Bits

  • Gtk 2.24.4: No problems
  • Gtk 3.0.8: No problems

May 8, 2011. James T

#Old statistics ##GTK+ 2.24.4 April 26, 2011

  • nb_files scanned = 538
  • nb_generated_interfaces = 8803
  • nb_type_errors = 197
  • nb_errors (others) = 315
  • nb_lines treated = 23781
  • nb_variadic functions = 85

See also the list of Tested functions

##GTK+ 3.0.8 April 26, 2011

  • nb_files scanned = 545
  • nb_generated_interfaces = 8466
  • nb_type_errors = 187
  • nb_errors (others) = 261
  • nb_lines treated = 21913
  • nb_variadic functions = 86

##GTK+ 2.24.6 October 13, 2011

  • nb_files scanned = 554
  • nb_generated_interfaces = 8972
  • nb_type_errors = 196
  • nb_errors (others) = 314
  • nb_lines treated = 24267
  • nb_variadic functions = 85

See also the list of Tested functions

##GTK+ 3.2.0 October 13, 2011

  • nb_files scanned = 569
  • nb_generated_interfaces = 8717
  • nb_type_errors = 186
  • nb_errors (others) = 260
  • nb_lines treated = 22509
  • nb_variadic functions = 86

Various distros out of the box

This section summarizes what works with available packages on various distros.

Distro Gtk2 Gtk3 Plplot
Kubuntu 12.04 Current Current Yes
Pardus-anka Old No/1 No/2
Fedora 17 Current Current Yes
PC BSD 9 Old/4 Old/4 No/3
Bodhi 2.0 Current Current Yes
Mint Current Current Yes
Siduction Current Current Yes
Sabayon Current Current Yes
Mageia Current Current Yes
SimplyMepis Current Current No/2
OpenMamba No/5 No/5 N/a
Kororaa Current Current Yes
Xubuntu 11.11 Old Old No/6
Manjaro Current Current Yes/7
Pardus 2011.3rc Current Current Yes
Pear Current Current Yes
Zenwalk No/5 No/5 N/A
FrugalWare Current Current/8 No/9
TinyCore Current No/1 No/3


"Current" means master or gtk3 branch for gtk+2.24 or gtk+3.4.0 and glib 2.32. "Old" means gtk2-old or gtk3-old (gtk+2.24/glib 2.28 or gtk+3.2.0/glib 2.30).

  1. No Gtk3 packages
  2. Broken plplot packages (Not built with current gfortran compiler).
  3. No Fortran support in plplot.
  4. Some issues with gtkbuilder
  5. Gcc 4.5 or earlier
  6. Plplot too old.
  7. Requires plplot to be installed from AUR.
  8. Issues with gtk+3 configuration.
  9. No plplot packages apparent.
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