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Jessica Kennedy edited this page Jul 19, 2017 · 14 revisions


Framework Functions:

Numeric Functions:

  • clean_number('string') - A quick function to remove and characters and letters from a string and return only the numbers, commas, and periods.
$serialnumber = clean_number('SRV293-26731-853-US170711');
$otherCountries = clean_number('1.542.765,23');
$usCurrency = clean_number('$5,235.95');

echo $serialnumber; # 29326731853170711
echo $otherCountries; # 1.542.765,23
echo $usCurrency; # 5,235.95
echo clean_number('4f32k91025'); # will output 43291025
  • decimal_to_fraction(num) - A function to convert a whole number with decimal or decimal to a fraction. Currently this is limited to a denominator of 128
$dec1 =	decimal_to_fraction(.5);
$dec2 =	decimal_to_fraction(0.25);
$dec3 =	decimal_to_fraction(5.125);
$dec4 =	decimal_to_fraction(126.2578125);

echo $dec1; # 1/2
echo $dec2; # 1/4
echo $dec3; # 5 1/8
echo $dec4; # 126 33/128
echo decimal_to_fraction(0.125); # 1/8
$frac1 = fraction_to_decimal('1/2');
$frac2 = fraction_to_decimal('1/4');
$frac3 = fraction_to_decimal('5 1/8');
$frac4 = fraction_to_decimal('126 33/128');

echo $frac1."<br />"; # 0.5
echo $frac2."<br />"; # 0.25
echo $frac3."<br />"; # 5.125
echo $frac4."<br />"; # 126.2578125
echo fraction_to_decimal('1/8'); # will output 0.125
  • is_whole_number(num) - Returns TRUE if the number does not contain a string, character, or decimal
# numbers may be passed as string or float
$numbers = array(2, 2.1, 2.5, 2.9, '3', '3.1', '3.6', '3.9', 4, 5, 6.1, 6.3, 7, 7.3, 7.5, 8);
foreach ($numbers as $num) {
    if (is_whole_number($num) {
        echo $num.'is a whole number';
    else {
        echo $num.'is not a whole number';

Example 2:

echo (is_whole_number(12.53) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); # will output FALSE
echo (is_whole_number(45) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"); # will output TRUE
echo return_whole_number(45.34); # will output 45
echo return_decimal_number(45.34); # will output 0.34
  • ordinalize(num) - Converts the number to string and adding st, nd, rd, or th to the number
echo ordinalize(3); # will output 3rd
  • parity(num) - returns the parity of a number
echo parity(3); # will output 0

Address Functions:

echo getDistanceBetweenPoints(39.103119, -84.512016, 36.850769, -76.285873); # Example is Cincinnati, OH to Norfolk, VA -- will output Array
Array ( 
   [miles] => 474.044402345 
   [feet] => 2502954.44438 
   [yards] => 834318.148127 
   [kilometers] => 762.900514648 
   [meters] => 762900.514648 

getAddressFromPoints(lat, long) - Returns nearest address from points

echo getAddressFromPoints (39.103119, -84.512016)# Example is Cincinnati, OH -- will output Array
Array (
   [formatted_address] => 609 Walnut St, Cincinnati, OH 45202, USA 
   [street_number_long] => 609 
   [street_number_short] => 609 
   [street_name_long] => Walnut Street 
   [street_name_short] => Walnut St 
   [street_type] => route 
   [city_name_long] => Cincinnati 
   [city_name_short] => Cincinnati 
   [county_name_long] => Hamilton County 
   [county_name_short] => Hamilton County 
   [state_name_long] => Ohio 
   [state_name_short] => OH 
   [country_name_long] => United States 
   [country_name_short] => US 
   [zipcode_long] => 45202 
   [zipcode_short] => 45202 
   [zipcode_ext_long] => 1191 
   [zipcode_ext_short] => 1191 

AddressToPoints('string') - Determines best possible solution to address and returns the latitude and longitude of address given.

echo AddressToPoints ('10 Fountain Square, Cincinnati, OH 45202')# will output 39.1019474, -84.5123371

Date Functions

days_month('$month', '$year') - Will return the total number of days in a given month, if year is omitted, it will return the days for the current year.

echo days_month('2', '2014'); # will output 28
echo generate_calendar('2017', '01'); # will output
            January 2017
Sun   Mon   Tue   Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat
 1     2     3     4     5     6     7
 8     9    10    11    12    13    14
15    16    17    18    19    20    21
22    23    24    25    26    27    28
29    30    31

echo minutestohours(494); # will output 08:14
echo _ago(45); # will output 4 decades
# Notice how remaingTime() will automatically reduce the time in the output:
echo remainingTime(date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+5 years +4 month +2 weeks +5 days +18 hours +43 minutes +31 seconds'))); 
# will output 5 years 4 months 3 weeks 21 hours 59 minutes 56 seconds remaining
echo secstostr(269); # will output 4 minutes 29 seconds

String Functions:

echo string_continue('Today is the day for all good men to come to the aid of their country.', 30); # will output Today is the day for all...
echo string_trim('Today is the day for all good men to come to the aid of their country.', 5); # will output Today is the day for...
echo string_mid_trim('Today is the day for all good men to come to the aid of their country.', 30); # will output Today is the[...]their country.
echo random_passwd(12); # will output yJiqJReSxM34
echo pluralize(3, 'box', 'boxes'); # will output boxes


echo encode_email(''); # will output Contact Us
echo highlighter_text('Today is the day for all good men to come to the aid of their country', 'good men');
# NOTE: "good men" will be bold and blue
# will output Today is the day for all good men to come to the aid of their country


System Functions


Image Functions


Array Functions


DataBase Functions
