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Closed Nov 4, 2017 100% complete
  • Unicode 7.0 is supported.
  • In %unicode mode, supplementary code points are now handled properly.
    . Regular expressions are now code-point based, rather than code-unit/
    char based.
    . Input streams are read as code point sequences - properly paired
    surrogate code units are read as a single character.
    . All supported Unicode properties now match supplementar…
  • Unicode 7.0 is supported.
  • In %unicode mode, supplementary code points are now handled properly.
    . Regular expressions are now code-point based, rather than code-unit/
    char based.
    . Input streams are read as code point sequences - properly paired
    surrogate code units are read as a single character.
    . All supported Unicode properties now match supplementary characters
    when Unicode 3.0 or above is specified, or when no version is
    specified, causing the default Unicode version, Unicode 7.0 in this
    release, to be used.
  • New \u{...} escape sequence allows code points (and whitespace-separated
    sequences of code points) to be specified as 1-6 hexadecimal digit values.
  • Characters in matches printed in %debug mode are now Unicode escaped
    (\uXXXX) when they are outside the range 32..127.
  • fixed bug #128, detect javadoc class comment when followed by annotation(s)
  • removed the "switch" and "table" code generation options
  • By default no InputStream constructor is included in the generated
    scanner. The capability to include one is deprecated and will be
    removed in JFlex 1.7.

This milestone is closed.

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