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Terraform & OpenTofu Acceptance Tests

Terraform Provider for JFrog Mission Control

Quick Start

Create a new Terraform file with missioncontrol resource. Also see

HCL Example

# Required for Terraform 1.0 and later
terraform {
  required_providers {
    missioncontrol = {
      source  = "jfrog/mission-control"
      version = "1.0.0"

provider "missioncontrol" {
  // supply JFROG_URL and JFROG_ACCESS_TOKEN as env vars

Initialize Terrform:

$ terraform init

Plan (or Apply):

$ terraform plan

Detailed documentation of the resource and attributes are on Terraform Registry.


In general, this project follows semver as closely as we can for tagging releases of the package. We've adopted the following versioning policy:

  • We increment the major version with any incompatible change to functionality, including changes to the exported Go API surface or behavior of the API.
  • We increment the minor version with any backwards-compatible changes to functionality.
  • We increment the patch version with any backwards-compatible bug fixes.


See the contribution guide.


Copyright (c) 2024 JFrog.

Apache 2.0 licensed, see LICENSE file.