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Fixed up Feed module.
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Thanks to Gwern Branwen for the match (minor modifications by JM).
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John MacFarlane committed Feb 6, 2010
1 parent c16e616 commit 428956e
Showing 1 changed file with 83 additions and 120 deletions.
203 changes: 83 additions & 120 deletions Network/Gitit/Feed.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,142 +17,105 @@ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

{- Functions for creating atom feeds for gitit wikis and pages.
-- | Functions for creating Atom feeds for Gitit wikis and pages.

module Network.Gitit.Feed (FeedConfig(..), filestoreToXmlFeed) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.DateTime
import Data.List (intercalate, sortBy)
import Data.DateTime (addMinutes, formatDateTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Foldable as F (concatMap)
import Data.List (intercalate, sortBy, nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Network.URI (isUnescapedInURI, escapeURIString)
import System.FilePath

import Data.FileStore.Types

import Text.Atom.Feed
import Text.Atom.Feed.Export
import Text.XML.Light
import System.FilePath (dropExtension, takeExtension, (<.>))
import Data.FileStore.Types (history, Author(authorName), Change(..),
DateTime, FileStore, Revision(..), TimeRange(..))
import Text.Atom.Feed (nullEntry, nullFeed, nullLink, nullPerson,
Date, Entry(..), Feed(..), Link(linkRel), Generator(..),
Person(personName), TextContent(TextString))
import Text.Atom.Feed.Export (xmlFeed)
import Text.XML.Light (ppTopElement)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Paths_gitit (version)

data FeedConfig = FeedConfig {
fcTitle :: String
, fcBaseUrl :: String
, fcFeedDays :: Integer
} deriving (Show, Read)

filestoreToXmlFeed :: FeedConfig -> FileStore -> (Maybe FilePath) -> IO String
filestoreToXmlFeed cfg f mbPath = filestoreToFeed cfg f mbPath >>= return . ppTopElement . xmlFeed

filestoreToFeed :: FeedConfig -> FileStore -> (Maybe FilePath) -> IO Feed
filestoreToFeed cfg a mbPath = do
let path' = maybe "" id mbPath
when (null $ fcBaseUrl cfg) $ error "base-url in the config file is null."
rs <- changeLog cfg a mbPath
{- let rsShifted = if null rs
then []
else head rs : init rs -- so we can get revids for diffs
let rsShifted = case rs of
[] -> []
(x:_) -> x : init rs -- so we can get revids for diffs
now <- liftM formatFeedTime getCurrentTime
return $ Feed { feedId = fcBaseUrl cfg ++ "/" ++ escape path'
, feedTitle = TextString $ fcTitle cfg
, feedUpdated = now
, feedAuthors = []
, feedCategories = []
, feedContributors = []
, feedGenerator = Just Generator{ genURI = Just ""
, genVersion = Nothing
, genText = "gitit" }
, feedIcon = Nothing
, feedLinks = [ (nullLink (fcBaseUrl cfg ++ "/_feed/" ++ escape path')) {linkRel = Just (Left "self")} ]
, feedLogo = Nothing
, feedRights = Nothing
, feedSubtitle = Nothing
, feedAttrs = []
, feedOther = []
, feedEntries = reverse $ zipWith (revToEntry cfg path') rs rsShifted }
} deriving (Show, Read)

-- | Get the last N days history.
changeLog :: FeedConfig -> FileStore -> (Maybe FilePath) -> IO [Revision]
changeLog cfg a mbPath = do
let files = maybe [] (\f -> [f, f <.> "page"]) mbPath
filestoreToXmlFeed :: FeedConfig -> FileStore -> Maybe FilePath -> IO String
filestoreToXmlFeed cfg f = fmap xmlFeedToString . generateFeed cfg f

xmlFeedToString :: Feed -> String
xmlFeedToString = ppTopElement . xmlFeed

generateFeed :: FeedConfig -> FileStore -> Maybe FilePath -> IO Feed
generateFeed cfg fs mbPath = do
now <- getCurrentTime
let startTime = addMinutes (-60 * 24 * fcFeedDays cfg) now
rs <- history a files TimeRange{timeFrom = Just startTime, timeTo = Just now}
revs <- changeLog (fcFeedDays cfg) fs mbPath now
let home = fcBaseUrl cfg ++ "/"
-- TODO: 'nub . sort' `persons` - but no Eq or Ord instances!
persons = map authorToPerson $ nub $ sortBy (comparing authorName) $ map revAuthor revs
basefeed = generateEmptyfeed (fcTitle cfg) home mbPath persons (formatFeedTime now)
revisions = map (revisionToEntry home) revs
return basefeed {feedEntries = revisions}

-- | Get the last N days history.
changeLog :: Integer -> FileStore -> Maybe FilePath ->DateTime -> IO [Revision]
changeLog days a mbPath now' = do
let files = F.concatMap (\f -> [f, f <.> "page"]) mbPath
let startTime = addMinutes (-60 * 24 * days) now'
rs <- history a files TimeRange{timeFrom = Just startTime, timeTo = Just now'}
return $ sortBy (comparing revDateTime) rs

revToEntry :: FeedConfig -> String -> Revision -> Revision -> Entry
revToEntry cfg path' Revision{
revId = rid,
revDateTime = rdt,
revAuthor = ra,
revDescription = rd,
revChanges = rv } prevRevision =

generateEmptyfeed :: String ->String ->Maybe String -> [Person] -> Date -> Feed
generateEmptyfeed title home mbPath authors now =
baseNull {feedAuthors = authors,
feedGenerator = Just gititGenerator,
feedLinks = [ (nullLink $ home ++ "_feed/" ++ escape (fromMaybe "" mbPath))
{linkRel = Just (Left "self")}]
where baseNull = nullFeed home (TextString title) now
gititGenerator :: Generator
gititGenerator = Generator {genURI = Just ""
, genVersion = Just (showVersion version)
, genText = "gitit"}

revisionToEntry :: String -> Revision -> Entry
revisionToEntry home Revision{ revId = rid, revDateTime = rdt,
revAuthor = ra, revDescription = rd,
revChanges = rv} =
baseEntry{ entrySummary = Just $ TextString rd
, entryAuthors = [Person { personName = authorName ra
, personURI = Nothing
, personEmail = Nothing
-- gitit is set up not to reveal registration emails. To change this:
-- let e = authorEmail ra in if e /= "" then Just e else Nothing
, personOther = [] }]
, entryLinks = [diffLink]

-- Comments omitted; needs to be done by Gitit
-- only Gitit knows the Url of the Talk: page. See

-- FIXME: True field seems to tell Guid that it's a 'long-term'/'permanent'
-- GUID. This may not be correct. See
-- entryId = rid,

-- Source is not entirely relevant, and is only handleable by web software,
-- not by a filestore-level function. See

-- The following are omitted:
-- Category is omitted, see
-- Enclosure seems to be for conveying media, see
where diffLink = Link{ linkHref = fcBaseUrl cfg ++ "/_diff/" ++ escape firstpath ++ "?to=" ++ rid ++ fromrev
, linkRel = Just (Left "alternate")
, linkType = Nothing
, linkHrefLang = Nothing
, linkTitle = Nothing
, linkLength = Nothing
, linkAttrs = []
, linkOther = [] }
(firstpath, fromrev) =
if null path'
{- then case head rv of
Modified f -> (dePage f, "&from=" ++ revId prevRevision)
Added f -> (dePage f, "")
Deleted f -> (dePage f, "&from=" ++ revId prevRevision)
else (path',"") -}
then case rv of
[] -> error "revToEntry, null rv"
(rev:_) -> case rev of
Modified f -> (dePage f, "&from=" ++ revId prevRevision)
Added f -> (dePage f, "")
Deleted f -> (dePage f, "&from=" ++ revId prevRevision)
else (path',"")
baseEntry = nullEntry (fcBaseUrl cfg ++ "/" ++ escape path' ++ "?revision=" ++ rid)
(TextString (intercalate ", " $ map showRev rv)) (formatFeedTime rdt)
showRev (Modified f) = dePage f
showRev (Added f) = "added " ++ dePage f
showRev (Deleted f) = "deleted " ++ dePage f
dePage f = if takeExtension f == ".page"
then dropExtension f
else f
, entryAuthors = [authorToPerson ra], entryLinks = [ln] }
where baseEntry = nullEntry url (TextString (intercalate ", " $ map show rv))
(formatFeedTime rdt)
url = home ++ escape (extract $ head rv) ++ "?revision=" ++ rid
ln = (nullLink url) {linkRel = Just (Left "alternate")}

-- gitit is set up not to reveal registration emails
authorToPerson :: Author -> Person
authorToPerson ra = nullPerson {personName = authorName ra}

-- TODO: replace with Network.URI version of shortcut if it ever is added
escape :: String -> String
escape = escapeURIString isUnescapedInURI

formatFeedTime :: DateTime -> String
formatFeedTime = formatDateTime "%Y-%m%--%dT%TZ" -- Why the double hyphen between %m and %d? It works.
-- A single hyphen seems to disappear - I don't know why!
formatFeedTime = formatDateTime "%FT%TZ"

-- TODO: this boilerplate can be removed by changing Data.FileStore.Types to say
-- data Change = Modified {extract :: FilePath} | Deleted {extract :: FilePath} | Added
-- {extract :: FilePath}
-- so then it would be just 'escape (extract $ head rv)' without the 4 line definition
extract :: Change -> FilePath
extract x = dePage $ case x of {Modified n -> n; Deleted n -> n; Added n -> n}
where dePage f = if takeExtension f == ".page" then dropExtension f else f

-- TODO: figure out how to create diff links in a non-broken manner
diff :: String -> String -> Revision -> Link
diff home path' Revision{revId = rid} =
let n = nullLink (home ++ "_diff/" ++ escape path' ++ "?to=" ++ rid) -- ++ fromrev)
in n {linkRel = Just (Left "alternate")}

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