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jgregoriBb edited this page Nov 20, 2022 · 17 revisions


This library is intended to explore Blackboard´s REST APIs and to help create POCs for integrations. Please note this tool is not oficially supported by Anthology and no warranties of any kind are provided.


The Bb Rest Helper includes 4 classes to simpilfy common API operations with Blackboard APIs;

  1. Get_Config. This class is used to get configuration variables (url,key,secret)from an external configuration file in Json format. If you are authenticating for more than one API (i.e. Learn and Collaborate) you will need separate configuration files (i.e. learn_config.json and collab_config.json).

  2. Auth_Helper. This class is used to get the token that then will be used in the API calls. Provides different methods for the different APIs.

  3. Bb_Requests. This class is used to simplify calls to the Blackboard Rest APIs. Provides methods for GET, POST, PUT, PATCH and DELETE requests. It also provides some other convenience methods to upload and download files from Blackboard Learn.

  4. Bb_Utils. A set of convenience functions (Logging, printing...), this will be extended over time.

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