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Search plugin for RefineryCMS


Please fill in this questionnaire to help me shape the future development of the gem. It's also a chance to request features, too!

By: JGW Maxwell

Powered by: pg_search. This only works on PostgreSQL databases, ideally 9.0+.

I will be stabilising support for 8.x soon, but as long as you can install extensions you'll be good to go. Any of the new Heroku Postgres plans, even the Dev one, will suit.


Simply use this by adding the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'refinerycms-pgsearch'
# or for the latest and greatest
gem 'refinerycms-pgsearch', github: 'jgwmaxwell/refinerycms-pgsearch'

Then run bundle install, and rails g refinery:search to generate the migrations. Finally, run rake db:migrate and rake db:seed to finish setting up.

Check The Initializer

The default installation will search in Pages. If you wish to find results in other plugins you have created or installed, you can specify these in config/initializers/refinery/search.rb like so:

Refinery::Search.configure do |config|
    config.searchable_models = {
        "Refinery::Page" => [:title, :all_parts],
        "Refinery::Blog::Post" => [:title, :body]

This will index Pages and Blog Posts for you. The format is: "STRING_OF_MODEL_CLASS" => [:array, :of, :attribute, :symbols]. You might notice that Pages are indexing :all_parts - this is a convenience to get the content out of multiple page parts that will be defined if you use it.

To use your own Models

Simple pass another line into the hash in the initializer, such as:

"Employee" => [:name, :bio]

You can use any public method, as well. So if you have :first_name and :last_name but a method like name to join them, it can be indexed.

Existing Data and Rebuilding

If at any point you need to rebuild your search index, run rake refinery:search:rebuild to update all your search records!

Searching and Viewing

A sample search form can be found in views/refinery/shared/_search.html.erb. You can either use this partial directly, or copy the appropriate parts.

If you wish to override the url used in the search results just add a url method to your model and the result of this method will be used instead.

Migrating from refinerycms-search

You'll need to run the generator, migrate the database, update the new initializer and remove the old code from application.rb. Then remove the acts_as_indexed statements from your models but otherwise it should be good to go. Let me know if you need help.


PostgreSQL Full Text Search for Refinery CMS






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