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jgx65 committed Mar 18, 2015
0 parents commit a217203
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Showing 105 changed files with 11,012 additions and 0 deletions.
81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions CHANGES
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@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
#version 0.04-16 18.03.2025

#version 0.04-15 30.09.2014
-fixed a bug in basic.stats, when only one population with index 2, caused a non conformable array error message.
Now add 1 to the last element of the population vector

#version 0.04-14 25.09.2014
-Modified sim.genot to allow for different island sizes and independant inbreeding coefficient

#version 0.04-12 06.02.2014
-caught bugs in getal and getal.b relative to number of digits encoding alleles (1001-> modulo 1000 not 100)

#version 0.04-11 31.10.2013
-fixed a bug in boot.ppfst which stop the looping over populations to be carried out correctly
-basic.stats can now take input from data set made of one sample only (a dummy extra line is added to the data set)

#version 0.04-10 09.04.2013
-changed the help file for read.fstat and so that the examples now call find.package rather than .find.package
-added function to write fstat files, structure files, and sub-sampled individuals from populations
-changed the printout of basic.stats, now an object
-created a function (requiring ade4) indpca carrying out a PCA on individual allele frequencies
-Fixed various other small bugs

#version 0.04-9 04.10.2012
modified bs and wc to allow for haploid data and for better output
#version 0.04-8 30.07.2012
modified getal and pp.fst to allow for non continuous numbering of populations
#version 0.04-7 26.07.2012
added beta.r for estimation of WH02 beta
#version 0.04-6 23.11.2011
cleaned up things to avoid warning messages
#version 0.04-5 30.07.2010
changed \format to \value in Rd file
#version 0.04-4 15.08.2006
removed data frame names (<-names(data)) in prepdata, caused a bug from R version 2.3.1 when only one level and does not seem to do anything

#version 0.04-3 30.06.2006
fixed a bug in, now the function removes monomorphic loci before carrying out the bootstrap, and gives an error message if the number of polymorphic loci is less than 5

#version 0.04-2

fixed a bug in genot2al when alleles were coded with 3 digits but with number not exceeding 9

#version 0.04-1 now provides bootstrap CI for variance components.

#version 0.03-4

fixed bug in samp.within, now it can handle lev with only one subgroup

#version 0.03-3

Again fixed bugs in test.between, test.between.within and test.within. replaced as.integer(x) with as.integer(factor(x)) forcing consecutive numbering of factor levels.

#version 0.03-2
Again fixed bugs in test.between, test.between.within and test.within. No renumbering of factor levels, factors are just forced as integers and sorted once.

updated some references

#version 0.03-1
in varcomp.glob, added diploid as a parameter passed to varcomp. Absence of this option caused the function to report an error message when the data were haploid
Changes were made to functions test.between, test.between.within and test.within. The vector rand.unit and test.lev are transformed such that the different units are numbered consecutively
Updated the reference list

#version 0.02.2
in samp.between and samp.within, changed x<-NULL (which caused message Error: more elements supplied than there are to replace) into x<-list().

#version 0.02

The function test.between, test.between.within and test.within now sort the data before doing the resampling. This avoids errors when the vector within, rand.unit and test.lev are not sorted.

In function test.between and test.between.within, the vector rand.unit is transformed such that the different units are numbered consecutively

11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
Package: hierfstat
Version: 0.04-14
Date: 2014-09-25
Title: Estimation and tests of hierarchical F-statistics
Author: Jerome Goudet <>
Maintainer: Jerome Goudet <>
Depends: gtools,ade4
Suggests: adegenet,ape
Description: This R package allows the estimation of hierarchical F-statistics from haploid or diploid genetic data with any numbers of levels in the hierarchy, following the algorithm of Yang (Evolution, 1998, 52(4):950-956). Functions are also given to test via randomisations the significance of each F and variance components, using the likelihood-ratio statistics G -see Goudet etal (Genetics, 1996, 144(4): 1933-1940)
License: GPL (>= 2)
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@

# Import all packages listed as Imports or Depends
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions R/FSTAT.INI
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
23531 787456
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions R/beta.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
my.betai <- function(dat){
# june 21st 2012
# estimates betas from Weir & Hill 2002 Ann Rev Genet
# gendata is a data frame with first column containing pop id and remaining cols containing genotypes
# betai are from (7) of WH2002
# betaio are population estimates over loci 1-(sum of nums)/(sum of dens)
# betaw are average over populations using (9) of WH2002
# betaii' can be extracted with betas[1,,] etc...


al.c.t<-apply(dat[,-1],2,function(x) table(factor(x)))

al.c.pp<-apply(dat[,-1],2,function(x) tapply(factor(x),dat[,1],table))
al.c.pp.m<-lapply(al.c.pp,function(x) matrix(unlist(x),byrow=TRUE,nrow=npop))
pb<-lapply(al.c.t,function(x) {dum<-sum(x);if (dum>0.0) x/dum})
p<-lapply(al.c.pp.m,function(x) {apply(x,1,
function(y) {dum<-sum(y); if (dum>0.0) y/dum else y})

ninds <- ind.count.n(dat)
#p <- pop.freq(gendata)
#pb <- pop.freq(cbind(rep(1,dim(gendata)[1]),gendata[,-1]))
n2 <- ninds^2
n2 <- sweep(n2,2,apply(ninds,2,sum),FUN="/")
nic <- ninds-n2 #top of p729, WH2002
snic <- apply(nic,2,sum,na.rm=TRUE) #sum over pop
betas <- array(dim=c(npop,npop,nloc))
nums <- array(dim=c(npop,npop,nloc))
lden <- numeric(nloc)
for (il in 1:nloc){
dum1 <- sweep(sweep(p[[il]],1,pb[[il]],FUN="-")^2,2,ninds[,il],FUN="*")
dum2 <- sweep(p[[il]]*(1.0-p[[il]]),2,nic[,il],FUN="*")
sden <- sum(dum1+dum2,na.rm=TRUE)
lden[il] <- sden
for (ip1 in 1:npop){
for (ip2 in ip1:npop){
if (ip1==ip2){
dum1 <- p[[il]][,ip1]*(1.0-p[[il]][,ip1])
nums[ip1,ip1,il] <- snic[il]*ninds[ip1,il]/(ninds[ip1,il]-1.0)*sum(dum1,na.rm=TRUE)
betas[ip1,ip1,il] <- 1.0-nums[ip1,ip1,il]/sden
dum1 <- p[[il]][,ip1]*(1.0-p[[il]][,ip2])
dum2 <- p[[il]][,ip2]*(1.0-p[[il]][,ip1])
nums[ip1,ip2,il] <- snic[il]*sum(dum1+dum2,na.rm=TRUE)
betas[ip1,ip2,il] <- 1.0-nums[ip1,ip2,il]/2.0/sden
betai <- t(apply(betas,3,diag)) # betai per pop and locus

betaio <- 1-apply(apply(nums,3,diag),1,sum,na.rm=TRUE)/sum(lden,na.rm=TRUE) # beta per pop over loci, as sums of numerators divided by sums of denominators

betaw <- 1-apply(apply(nums,3,diag)*ninds,2,sum,na.rm=TRUE)/(apply(ninds,2,sum,na.rm=TRUE)*lden) # beta overall per loci, eq 9 p 734 of Weir & Hill 2002,

53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions R/boot.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@<-function (levels = levels, loci = loci, diploid = TRUE, nboot = 1000,
quant = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975))
gf <- function(dat, num, den) {
nloc <- dim(loci)[2]
if (nloc < 5) {
stop("Not enough loci to bootstrap. Exiting")
x <- varcomp.glob(levels = levels, loci = loci, diploid = diploid)
x.loc <- data.frame(x$loc)
stop("Not enough polymorphic loci to bootstrap. Exiting")
nlev <- dim(x.loc)[2]
names(x.loc) <- names(x$overall)
mat.boot <- data.frame(matrix(rep(0, nboot * nlev), ncol = nlev))
for (i in 1:nboot) {
mat.boot[i, ] <- apply(x.loc[sample(nloc, replace = TRUE),
], 2, sum)
nam <- vector(length = nlev + 1)
nam[-1] <- names(x.loc)
nam[1] <- "Total"
names(mat.boot) <- names(x.loc)
mat.res <- data.frame(matrix(rep(0, nboot * (nlev * (nlev +
1)/2)), nrow = nboot))
names.res <- vector(length = nlev * (nlev + 1)/2)
mat.res[, 1] <- apply(mat.boot, 1, sum)
acc <- 0
for (i in 1:(nlev - 1)) {
acc <- acc + 1
mat.res[, acc] <- apply(mat.boot[, c(i:nlev)], 1, sum)/nloc
names.res[acc] <- paste("H-", nam[i], sep = "")
for (j in i:(nlev - 1)) {
acc <- acc + 1
mat.res[, acc] <- apply(mat.boot, 1, gf, num = i:j,
den = i:nlev)
names.res[acc] <- paste("F-", nam[j + 1], "/", nam[i],
sep = "")
acc <- acc + 1
mat.res[, acc] <- mat.boot[, nlev]/nloc
names.res[acc] <- "Hobs"
names(mat.res) <- names.res
return(list(boot = round(mat.boot,digits=4), res = round(mat.res,digits=4), ci = round(apply(mat.res, 2, quantile, quant),digits=4)))


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