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Building the Scripts

Gil Yoder edited this page Mar 14, 2022 · 5 revisions

Access the "Build" command from the "File" sub-menu in the Main Menu.


When the build command runs, ACDB will perform the following actions:

  1. If a directory exists by the name specified by the "ICAO" field within the folder specified by the "Folder" field of the Control Data Editor, ACDB will delete it and its contents.
  2. ACDB will create a new directory with the name specified by the "ICAO" field within the folder specified by the "Folder" field of the Control Data Editor.
  3. ACDB will write a control script to the new folder. The name of the control script file will follow this format: "{ICAO}_checklist_control.txt" where "{ICAO}" will be replaced with the value specified by the "ICAO" field of the Control Data Editor.
  4. For each checklist listed within the "Checklists" list box of the Control Data Editor, ACDB will write checklist scripts to the new folder. The names of the checklist scripts will follow this format: "{#}_{Name}_cl.txt" where "{#}" will be replaced with the ordinal position of the checklist within the list box, and "{Name}" will be replaced with the value specified within the checklist's "Name" field.


ACDB attempts to determine if valid data has been entered into the fields that are necessary to perform these steps and disables the build option if it detects a problem. These items are checked for validity:

  1. The "Folder" field must point to an existing folder on your computer.
  2. The "ICAO" field must contain characters that can be in a directory name.
  3. The "Name" field in each checklist must have valid characters for a filename.