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List Control Buttons

Gil Yoder edited this page Mar 12, 2022 · 1 revision

At the bottom of both main windows are a set of list control buttons. Both windows have these buttons in common:


Each of these buttons (except "Add") works on the currently selected item in the associated list.

The "Insert" button adds a new item above the currently selected item.

The "Add" button adds a new item at the bottom of the list.

The "Remove" button removes the currently selected item.

The "Move Up" button moves the currently selected item up above the item that is above it.

The "Move Down" button moves the currently selected item down below the item that is below it.

One additional list control button is at the bottom of the Control Data Editor.


The "View" button opens a window to show the RPN script that would be generated for the currently selected checklist.
