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stylus port of bootstrap.css v4.0.0-beta. 🚧 UNDER CONSTRUCTION 🚧 This a fork of the original created by Angeal185. This is a (to-be) pure mixin library.


When published (not-yet): NPM/Yarn: (not sure how bower works)

yarn add stylus-pure-mixins


A complete, fully functional convert of bootstrap.css to stylus. Using nothing but pure mixins for those of us who actually like writing stylus instead of just importing it and forgetting it.


Currently I have just started converting everything over to mixins. It may take some time I'm starting at the top and working my way down.


bootstrap.css has been converted, broken down into smaller .styl includes and the include files are named accordingly. Each class should be replaced with a mixin. This allows you to build custom classes in your .styl files and keep your html class lists to a flat minimum. This is useful for a flat map of styles.




To minimize and standardize the number of classes used inside mixins for functionality I am adopting the following conventions:

Classes like .close and .active will remain as is (unless overwritten as parameters of the mixin) as these are clear and concise. Clases like .tab-pane, .alert-link, and .card-link will be shortened to simply .pane or .link for conciseness these too can be overwritten as parameters (more explaination to follow).

For hyphenated abreviations such as .badge-primary etc. I took a different track. I added a list parameter to the badge() mixin so you can write badge(pill primary) to get a primary colored pill badge. So far this is the case for:

  • badge($types: list) $ accepts (btn, pill, primary, secondary...)
  • align-self($type), align-content(), and all sized variants align-self-sm(...) $ accepts every standard align-self/align-content parameter.
  • align($type) $ accepts (baseline, top, middle, bottom, text-bottom, text-top) all this realy does is same a bit of typing (vertical and !important).
  • alert($types: list, $close: class, $link: class)
  • bg($type: either a defined color or valid rgba, $hover: (optional) rgba for hover and active links)
  • ** pretty much everything I will let you know more when I'm done **

** note I removed alert-dismissable as all it did was allow you to add a class to an alert and hide it (something you should be able to do anyway).


Build variables can be overwritten before importing into your .styl file.


$primary = green
$secondary = grey


A complete list of customizable variables

// colors
$primary := #007bff
$primaryHov := #0062cc
$primaryBtnHov := #0069d9
$secondary := #868e96
$secondaryHov := #6c757d
$secondaryBtnHov := #727b84
$success := #28a745
$successHov := #1e7e34
$successBtnHov := #218838
$info := #17a2b8
$infoHov := #117a8b
$infoBtnHov := #138496
$warning := #ffc107
$warningHov := #d39e00
$warningBtnHov := #e0a800
$danger := #dc3545
$dangerHov := #bd2130
$dangerBtnHov := #c82333
$light := #f8f9fa
$lightHov := #dae0e5
$lightBtnHov := #e2e6ea
$dark := #343a40
$darkHov := #1d2124
$darkBtnHov := #23272b

$white := #fff
$black := #000

$bodyColor := #212529
$bodyBackground := $white

//grid breakpoints
$grid-sm := 576px
$grid-md := 768px
$grid-lg := 992px
$grid-xl := 1200px

$container-sm := 540px
$container-md := 720px
$container-lg := 960px
$container-xl := 1140px

$font-weight-light := 300
$font-weight-normal := normal
$font-weight-bold := bold

$font-family-base := -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif
$font-family-monospace :=  "SFMono-Regular", Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace

$h1-font-size := 2.5rem
$h2-font-size := 2rem
$h3-font-size := 1.75rem
$h4-font-size := 1.5rem
$h5-font-size := 1.25rem
$h6-font-size := 1rem

$display1-size := 6rem
$display2-size := 5.5rem
$display3-size := 4.5rem
$display4-size := 3.5rem

$display1-weight := $font-weight-light
$display2-weight := $font-weight-light
$display3-weight := $font-weight-light
$display4-weight := $font-weight-light


stylus port of bootstrap.css v4.0.0-beta







No packages published


  • CSS 99.7%
  • Batchfile 0.3%