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jhoar edited this page Dec 21, 2019 · 14 revisions


Arp3.1 generates arpeggios over a note sequence.

Arp 3.1

A sequence of 1V/Oct pitches are input to the CV polyphonic input.

If no GATE input is provided, the module will select from the channels up the maximum number of channels set on the cable. If a polyphonic GATE input is provided the module will select from the channels with a positive voltage on the GATE input.

The pitch will change when an trigger is received on the CLK input. The notes will be played in the order controlled by the ARP control. An offset into the sequence can be set by the OFFSET control.

The current pitch is output on the OUT output, with a trigger on the GATE output on note change. When the note sequence is complete, a trigger is output on the EOC output.

If a trigger is received on the RND input, two notes in the sequence are swapped. These could be previously played notes.

If a positive voltage in present on the HOLD input, the current sequence is held and changes to the sequence type are ignored. Notes can still be randomized.

If a negative voltage in present on the HOLD input, the current sequence is held, changes to the sequence type are ignored and randomization triggers are ignored.

The 'Play last note' context menu option controls whether the LeftRight and RightLeft patterns repeat the last note (which should be the same as the first note of the next repetition)


Arp3.1 is the other half of Arpeggiator Mk.II, generating arpeggios from a root pitch.

Arp 3.2

A root 1V/Oct pitch is input on the IN input.

The pitch will change when an trigger is received on the CLK input.

The SCL control determines the size of each step; semi-tones (Chromatic), Major or Minor scales. The LEN control defines maximum distance of the pattern from the root pitch.

PATT controls the note pattern. Diverge starts at the root note and moves away to that note up to the LEN number of steps. Converge starts at LEN number of steps away from the root note and converges to the root pitch. The STEPS control the size of the intervals to transpose on each repetition. Zero gives no transpostion, just repeats the note. A positive value for STEPS means that for each step, the pitch will increase and a negative value will result that the pitch will decrease.

  • For the Diverge pattern, a positive STEPS value will mean that the pitch will increase from the root pitch, with a negative value the pitch will decrease
  • For the Converge pattern, a positive STEPS value will start the pattern at a lower pitch than the root pitch and converge toward to the root pitch. Conversely with a negative value the pattern will start at a higher pitch can converge downwards to the root pitch.
  • For the Return pattern, a positive STEPS value the pitch will increase and then decrease, and a negative STEPS value will start decreasing then increase.
  • Other patterns will ignore the SCL, STEPS and LEN controls.

The current pitch is output on the OUT output, with a trigger on the GATE output on note change. When the note sequence is complete, a trigger is output on the EOC output.

If a trigger is received on the RND input, two notes in the pattern are swapped. These could be previously played notes.

If a positive voltage in present on the HOLD input, the current pattern is held and changes to the pattern are ignored. Notes can still be randomized.

If a negative voltage in present on the HOLD input, the current pattern is held, changes to the pattern are ignored and randomization triggers are ignored.

Arpeggiator Mk.II

Taking into account none of the experience and lessons learned from Arpeggiator Mk.I, Amalgamated Harmonics presents the Mk.II Arpeggiator. This module work in a similar way to the MK.I version, but with even more opportunities to get confused:

  • The Arpeggiator plays a sequence, composed on 1 or more arpeggios, each arpeggio consisting of up to 6 notes.
  • At the bottom there are 6 inputs which represent up to 6 pitches (1V/OCT) which will played in an arpeggio. If no input is provided, it will default to a single pitch at 0V. Otherwise, enpty inputs are ignored.
  • The Arpeggio to be played is controlled by the Arp control, set through either the dial or CV input. The different current selection is displayed on the control panel.
  • A arpeggio will cycle a number of times according to the P. LEN input, which can be controlled by the dial or CV input.
  • Each subsequent arpeggio after the first will be transposed. The transposition is controlled by the P .SCL control, which determines whether the transposition is in semi-tones, or intervals of the major or minor scale. The 'transposition size' is controlled by the controlled by the P. ST input, which can be positive (transposing up), negative (down), or zero (no transposition). There are different transposition patterns, controlled by the PATT control (CV or dial).
  • If only one pitch input is provided, then the PATT control is effectively a different type of arpeggio which the module can play, derived from a single pitch.
  • A sequence is triggered from a gate on the TRIG input. If the FIRE button is pressed, the sequence is triggered. If there is nothing connected to TRIG, the sequence free-runs, advanced by the CLK input
  • The sequence is... err... sequenced from the CLK input
  • The output pitch is on the OUT output (1V/OCT), with a gate fired on the GATE
  • When an arpeggio completes, a trigger is fired on the EOC output, and similarly when the whole sequence completes there is trigger on the EOS output. These triggers happen simultaneously with the last note of the arpeggio or sequence.
  • The LOCK button locks the pitch, arpeggio and pattern settings to the value in the current arpeggio, both within the running sequence and after. When unlocked the pitches will be scanned at the start of every cycle

The display shows the current setup.

It is quite recommended to put the OUT output into the SCOPE module (or JW's Full Scope) to get an idea of what the module is actually doing.

Arpeggiator MK.II

In summary:

  • P1 - P6: Input pitches; these will be scanned left to right and form the notes to be played in each cycle. Empty inputs are ignored

  • ARP: Arpeggio to play over the input pitches

  • PATT: Transposition pattern

  • P. SCL: Transposition scale semi-tones (Chromatic), Major or Minor scale

  • P. ST: Transposition steps; intervals to transpose on each repetition. Zero gives no transpostion, just repeats the arpeggio

  • P. LEN: Number of repetitions

  • CLK: Input clock for the arpeggio

  • TRIG: Input gate to trigger the sequence

  • FIRE: One-shot trigger of the sequence

  • LOCK: Lock the pitches, SEQ and ARP setting, including the randomised notes

  • OUT: Output sequenced note (1V/OCT)

  • GATE: Output gate fired for each sequenced note

  • EOC: Output gate fired when a cycle ends

  • EOS: Output gate fired when the whole series of cycles is finished

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