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License: MIT npm version

License: MIT License: MIT License: MIT

String formatting like Python's .format()

Obs:The result expected is the same as Python



  1. Install:

    npm install python-format-js


    yarn add python-format-js
  2. Require:

    // Module and prototype
    const format = require("python-format-js");


    // Only prototype


  1. Test:

    npm test


    yarn test

You Can Do

-  Basic formatting
-  Padding and aligning strings
-  Truncating long strings
-  Combining truncating and padding
-  Signed numbers
-  Named placeholders

See Documention in Python

Supported Parameter Values

  • '<' - Left aligns the result (within the available space)
  • '>' - Right aligns the result (within the available space)
  • '^' - Center aligns the result (within the available space)
  • '=' - Places the sign to the left most position
  • '+' - Use a plus sign to indicate if the result is positive or negative
  • '-' - Use a minus sign for negative values only
  • ' ' - Use a leading space for positive numbers
  • ',' - Use a comma as a thousand separator
  • '_' - Use a underscore as a thousand separator
  • 'b' - Binary format
  • 'c' - Converts the value into the corresponding unicode character
  • 'd' - Decimal format
  • 'e' - Scientific format, with a lower case e
  • 'E' - Scientific format, with an upper case E
  • 'f' - Fix point number format
  • 'F' - Fix point number format, upper case
  • 'g' - General format
  • 'G' - General format (using a upper case E for scientific notations)
  • 'o' - Octal format
  • 'x' - Hex format, lower case
  • 'X' - Hex format, upper case
  • 'n' - Number format
  • '%' - Percentage format
  • '#' - Makes the format include the 0b prefix in (Octal,Hex,Binary)


Obs:The result expected is the same as Python

  • Please report any bug

More Examples

- Simples Change:
"{} {}".format("Jhon", "Mart");

("Jhon Mart");
- Advance Change Array:
"My name is {0} and i have {1} years old!".format(["Jônatas", 21]);

("My name is Jônatas and i have 21 years old!");
- Advance Change Object:
"Your name is {name} and you have {age} years old!".format({
  name: "Jônatas",
  age: 21,

("My name is Jônatas and i have 21 years old!");
- One Argument type Number:
"{} ".format(2);

("2 ");
- One Argument type Float:
 "{} ".format(3.14))

 ("3.14 ");
- One Argument type Boolean:
 "{} ".format(true))

 ("true ")
- Multiple type Argument:
"{} {} {}".format(2, 3.14, true);

("2 3.14 true");
- Overflow String Align Right:

- Overflow String Align Center:

- Align Left:

("oii   ");
- Align Right:

("   oii");
- Align Center Incomplete:

(" oii  ");
- Align Center Complete:

("  oii  ");
- Crop:
"{:.7}".format("Jonatas Martins");

- Size String:

("test      ");
- Char Append Left:

- Char Append Right:

- Char Append Center Incomplete:

- String and param left align:
"Olá {:<8}".format("Jhon");

("Olá Jhon    ");
- String and param right align:
"Olá {:>8}".format("Jhon");

("Olá     Jhon");
- String and param center align:
"Olá {:^8}".format("Jhon");

("Olá   Jhon  ");
- Float:
"{:f}; {:f}".format(3.14, -3.14);

("3.140000; -3.140000");
- Float Space:
"{: f}; {: f}".format(3.14, -3.14);

(" 3.140000; -3.140000");
- Float Align:
"{:<15f}; {: f}".format(3.14, -3.14);

("3.140000       ; -3.140000");
- Float Plus:
"{:+f}; {:+f}".format(3.14, -3.14);

("+3.140000; -3.140000");
- Float Less:
"{:-f}; {:-f}".format(3.14, -3.14);

("3.140000; -3.140000");
- Number Simple:
"{:n} é maior que {:n} ".format(3.14, 21);

("3.14 é maior que 21 ");
- Binary:

- Binary Align:

(" 101");
- Binary Mask:

- Octal:

- Octal Mask:

- Octal Mask Sign:

- Octal Mask Space:
"{: o}".format(42);

(" 52");
- Number Octal Positive:

- Number Octal Negative:

- Hexadecimal:

- Hexadecimal Mask:

- Hexadecimal Mask Upper Case:

- Decimal Number:

- Exp:

- Exp Upper Case:

- Exp Size Over:

("4.233e+3       ");
- Percent:

- All data:
"{:g}".format("Hello World");

("Hello World");
- Align All:

("T    ");

    - Thousands Separator:



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