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cisstStereoVision tutorial 1

Peter Kazanzides edited this page Dec 5, 2017 · 6 revisions

Table of Contents generated with DocToc

Introduction to the cisst libraries

  • A collection of libraries to perform functions like
    • Basic linear algebra calculations (cisstVector)
    • Numerical methods, like SVD, Point-cloud registration, etc. (cisstNumerical)
    • Real-time computer vision (cisstStereoVision)
    • Handling various devices like trackers, haptic devices, etc. (SAW components, previously cisstDevices)
    • Robot control (cisstRobot)
    • Communication through networks (cisstMultiTask, cisstOSAbstraction, cisstStereoVision)
  • Object-oriented C++ API
  • Open source, available through an online github repository
  • Platform independent (regularly tested on various Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X versions)
  • Uses CMake to create compiler/platform dependent projects from source

Windows specific pre-requisites

  • Microsoft Visual Studio
    • Integrated Development Environment (Wikipedia IDE) for Microsoft Windows
    • Contains C++ compiler and building tools
    • Versions VS2008 (9.0) and VS2010 (10.0) are fully supported (VS2005 (8.0) might also work)
    • Get a legal copy from your lab administrator
  • Tools and external dependencies
    • Download the CMake binary package from and install it
    • ZLIB, JPEG and PNG dependencies (optional)
      • Download the ZLIB, JPEG and PNG support libraries (zip)
      • Decompress the zip file into a folder called gnuwin32 inside your code dependencies folder (if you have one)
      • Add your [dependencies]\gnuwin32\bin folder into the $PATH (Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment variables) as the first entry
      • You will need to restart the computer for the $PATH changes to take effect
    • OpenCV (optional)
      • Download the binary installer and install it to the default location
      • In CMake, point to the folder containing the file OpenCVConfig.cmake

Linux specific pre-requisites

  • The following instructions apply to Ubuntu 9.04 or newer distributions; it is recommended that you keep your OS version up-to-date

  • Tools and external dependencies

  • Make sure that the latest version of the following software packages (and all of their dependencies) are installed using Synaptic Package Manager (Wikipedia) (System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager)

  • If you don't have synaptic installed, sudo apt-get install synaptic.

    packages . . .
    subversion libcv +dev zlib +dev gcc
    cmake libhighgui +dev libjpeg +dev g++
    libx11 +dev libcvaux +dev libpng +dev
    libxv +dev libdc1394 +dev
    libqt4 +dev qt-creator
  • Optional: Qt Creator as your IDE (Wikipedia)

Mac OS X specific pre-requisites

  • Apple Xcode
    • Integrated Development Environment (IDE) (see on Wikipedia) for Apple platforms
    • Contains C++ compiler and building tools
    • Xcode is available from the Apple AppStore
  • Tools and external dependencies
    • In the followings we will assume that Mac OS X users have MacPorts installed
    • Once installed, enter the following commands in the terminal:
      sudo port selfupdate
      sudo port upgrade outdated
      sudo port install opencv
      sudo port install subversion
      sudo port install libpng
      sudo port install jpeg
      sudo port cleanup all
  • Please note: This installation process may take several hours to complete. If you need to interrupt the process, you may do that any time by pressing CTRL+C. In order to resume, just enter the last command that you previously terminated.
  • After all the above commands finish successfully, you will have all the external dependencies available on your computer that are required for the cisstStereoVision tutorial. However, you might need additional dependencies in the future to use with other cisst libraries.

Getting the source code

See Git page for cisst

Introduction to CMake

  • Tool to create platform-specific compiler projects for platform-independent source code

  • Supports virtually all major compilers and [ IDEs (Wikipedia)](, such as MS Visual C++, XCode or Makefile)

  • Windows

    • Download as binary installer from
    • Run it from the Start Menu
    • All GUI based, no terminal commands required
  • Linux, Mac OS X

    • Get it using apt-get or Synaptic on Linux
    • Get it using MacPorts on Mac OS X (see above): sudo port install cmake
    • Requires a simple terminal command to first create the project
    • Already existing projects are managed in the textual GUI similar to the Windows version
    • Note: Command name is ccmake (not cake) for the text/curse based interface, cmake-gui for a GUI.

Separating the source and build trees

  • In order to keep the cisst source code management simple, it is highly recommended that the build (compiler specific project) directories are created on the same level as the source code directory.

  • In the following example the directory cisst was created inside some main code directory, and inside cisst there is a single source directory for storing the source code and three different build-xxx directories for storing the compiler/platform specific projects for the single source code:

  • However, for most users who use only one development platform, a single build directory will suffice:

Creating compiler specific projects using CMake

  • Windows

    • Visual Studio
      1. Open CMake from the Start Menu

      2. Set the location of your source directory

      3. Set the location of your build directory that you want to use for the Visual Studio project

      4. Click Configure

      5. Select your compiler from the list, and wait until your CISST settings show up

      6. Check CISST_BUILD_cisstStereoVision


      8. Click Configure, and wait until done

      9. Enable Advanced mode (just under the build directory field)

      10. Un-check all CISST_BUILD_*_EXAMPLES but keep CISST_BUILD_cisstStereoVision_EXAMPLES checked (we need only the stereo vision examples for this tutorial)

      11. Click Configure, and wait until done

      12. Scroll down in the list to find the options called CISST_SVL_HAS_*

      13. CISST_SVL_HAS_DIRECTSHOW should appear to be already checked

      14. If you have OpenCV installed on your computer, check CISST_SVL_HAS_OPENCV2. You might need to manually set OpenCV_DIR in CMake. This should point to the directory that contains the file OpenCVConfig.cmake.

      15. If you have the ''ZLIB+JPEG+PNG'' dependencies (see the paragraph ''Windows specific pre-requisites'') on your computer: a. Check CISST_SVL_HAS_JPEG, CISST_SVL_HAS_PNG and CISST_SVL_HAS_ZLIB a. Click Configure, and wait until an error message shows up indicating that CMake failed to automatically find those dependencies a. Dismiss the error message dialog box a. Scroll down in the list and set the following options:

        JPEG_INCLUDE_DIR = [dependencies]\gnuwin32\include
        JPEG_LIBRARY     = [dependencies]\gnuwin32\lib\jpeg.lib

        a. Click Configure, and wait until done a. CMake should automatically be able to find all your ZLIB+JPEG+PNG dependencies; the newly found locations will show up on top of the list in red a. Click Configure, and wait until done

      16. You're all set: click Generate to create the Visual Studio "solution" (.sln file), then close CMake.

  • Linux

    • makefile (no IDE)

      1. Open a terminal
      2. Change to the build directory
      3. Enter the following command:
      ccmake ../source
      1. Press c to Configure
      2. Set CISST_BUILD_cisstStereoVision to ON
      4. Press c to Configure, and wait until done
      5. Press t to enable Advanced mode
      6. Set all CISST_BUILD_*_EXAMPLES to OFF but keep CISST_BUILD_cisstStereoVision_EXAMPLES ON (we need only the stereo vision examples for this tutorial)
      7. Make sure CISST_HAS_FLTK, CISST_HAS_QT and CISST_MTS_HAS_ICE are all set to OFF (these are not needed for this tutorial)
      8. Press c to Configure, and wait until done (CMake will automatically find all the dependencies for you)
      9. You're all set: press g to Generate the makefile project, then press q to quit CMake.
    • Qt Creator

      1. Create a makefile project, as described above
      2. Open Qt Creator application (Applications > Programming > Qt Creator)
      3. In Qt Creator: select File > Open File or Project...
      4. Navigate to your source directory and select the CMakeLists.txt file to open
      5. In the pop-up CMake Wizard window set your build directory, then click Next
      6. On the next screen of the 'CMake Wizard click Run CMake, and wait until done
      7. You're all set: click Finish to create the Qt Creator project
  • Mac OS X

    • Xcode

      1. Open a terminal

      2. Change to the build directory

      3. Enter the following command:

        ccmake -G Xcode ../source
      4. Press c to Configure

      5. Set CISST_BUILD_cisstStereoVision to ON


      7. Press c to Configure, and wait until done

      8. Press t to enable Advanced mode

      9. Set all CISST_BUILD_*_EXAMPLES to OFF but keep CISST_BUILD_cisstStereoVision_EXAMPLES ON (we need only the stereo vision examples for this tutorial)

      10. Press c to Configure, and wait until done (CMake will automatically find all the dependencies for you)

      11. You're all set: press g to Generate the Xcode project, then press q to quit CMake.

    • makefile (no IDE) - same as for Xcode, except launch with the command line:

      ccmake ../source

Building CISST

  • Windows

    • Visual Studio
      1. Open Visual Studio application in the Start Menu
      2. In Visual Studio: select File > Open > Project/Solution...
      3. Select the file [build]\cisst.sln to open (or cisst-saw.sln if you decided to have cisst and SAW)
      4. Select Build > Build Solution from the menu bar to start compilation
  • Linux

    • makefile
      1. Open a terminal
      2. Change to your build directory
      3. Compilation
        • For single-thread compilation, enter the command: make
        • For multi-thread compilation, enter the command (where x is the number of threads: 2, 4, 8, etc.): make -jx
    • Qt Creator
      1. Make sure that the project was created by following the instructions in paragraph Creating compiler specific projects using CMake
      2. Open Qt Creator application (Applications > Programming > Qt Creator)
      3. In Qt Creator: select File > Open File or Project...
      4. Navigate to your source directory and select the CMakeLists.txt file to open
      5. Select Build > Build All from the menu bar to start compilation
  • Mac OS X

    • Xcode
      1. Open Xcode application
      2. In Xcode: select File > Open...
      3. Select the file [build]\cisst.xcodeproj to open (or cisst-saw.xcodeproj)
      4. Select Build > Build from the menu bar to start compilation
    • makefile - same as Linux makefile
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