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Transform.swift offers a Swiftier API for applying transforms to UIView and its subclasses.

let scale = Transform.scale(sx: 0.5, sy: 0.5)
let rotate = Transform.rotate(rotation: .degrees(45))
let scaleAndRotate = scale + rotate
myView.transform += scaleAndRotate

myView.transform3D = .translate(tx: 40, ty: 0, tz: 100)



Add the following to your Podfile:


pod 'Transform.swift', '~> 0.1.2'


Add the following to your Cartfile:

gitub "jhurray/Transform.swift" ~> 0.1.2


Transform.swift exposes 3 enums, Transform, Transform3D, and Rotation.

###Rotation A convenience enum that allows the developer to easily define the rotation they want. The cases are pretty self explanitory.

  • .degrees(degrees: CGFloat)
  • .radians(radians: Double)
    • Takes a double to make it easier to pass the M_PI definitions from Darwin.C.Math


  • .identity
  • .translate(tx: CGFloat, ty: CGFloat)
  • .scale(sx: CGFloat, sy: CGFloat)
  • .rotate(rotation: Rotation)
  • .init(a: CGFloat, b: CGFloat, c: CGFloat, d: CGFloat, tx: CGFloat, ty: CGFloat) for the adventurous type 😎
  • .custom(t: CGAffineTransform)


A group of methods that calculate how the transform affects a CGRect, CGSize, and CGPoint respectively.

public func transformedRect(rect: CGRect) -> CGRect
public func transformedSize(size: CGSize) -> CGSize
public func transformedPoint(point: CGPoint) -> CGPoint

Returns the underlying CGAffineTransform

public var CGATransform: CGAffineTransform { get }


  • .identity
  • .translate(tx: CGFloat, ty: CGFloat, tz: CGFloat)
  • .scale(sx: CGFloat, sy: CGFloat, sz: CGFloat)
  • .rotate(rotation: Rotation, x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat, z: CGFloat)
  • .affine(t: CGAffineTransform)
  • .custom(t: CATransform3D)


Returns the underlying CATransform3D

public var CATransform : CATransform3D { get }

Returns true if the 3d transform can be converted into an affine transform, false if it cannot.

public var isAffine: Bool { get }

Returns the underlying CGAffineTransform. Will throw an error if the 3D transform cannot be converted into an affine transform.

public func affineTransform() throws -> CGAffineTransform 

###Shared Utilities

  • Inverting: let inverted = t.inverted
  • Identity Conformation: let isIdentity = t.isIdentity
  • Concatenation: let scaleAndMove = scale.concat(.translate(tx: 40, ty: -100))


  • == Equality
    • Returns Bool
    • Transform == Transform
    • Transform == CGAffineTransform
    • Transform3D == Transform3D
    • Transform3D == CATransform3D
  • + Additive
    • Returns the type being added
    • Transform + Transform
    • CGAffineTransform + CGAffineTransform
    • Transform3D + Transform3D
    • CATransform3D + CATransform3D
  • += Assignment
    • Modifies the left variable of the operator
    • Transform += Transform
    • CGAffineTransform += Transform
    • Transform3D += Transform3D
    • CATransform3D += Transform3D
  • <- Assignment
    • Assigns a value to the left variable of the operator
    • CGAffineTransform <- Transform
    • CATransform3D <- Transform3D
    • Semantics to assign the transform enum to the old API since you cant overload the = operator.

###UIView Extension Two variables have been added to UIView to add settable and gettable interfaces for Transform and Transform3D.

var affineTransform: Transform
var transform3D: Transform3D

##Contact Info Feel free to email me at I'd love to hear your thoughts on this, or see examples where this has been used.

You can also hit me up on twitter @JeffHurray.

##Contributing If you want to add functionality please open an issue and/or create a pull request.

##License Transform.swift is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.