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C# Object-Orientated Programming - Computer Shop Scenario

The goal of this assignment to help me familiarized with class and object creation. This assignment touches a wide range of object orientated concepts such as properties, constructors, inheritance, polymorphism, ReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> and enumerations.


$ git clone
$ cd c-oop-assignment-computer-shop
$ start devenv Computer-Shop.sln

Computer Shop Scenario

  • A program, Computer-Shop.sln was written that will create objects using classes: Cellphones.cs, CPU.cs, Desktop.cs, and Laptop.cs . These class inherites from base class Device.cs. Additionally, this hypothetical Computer-Shop.sln can create peripherals like Keyboard.cs, Mouse.cs, and Screen.cs. For user to attached and create their own CPU Device. These peripherals are classes that inherites from base class Peripheral.cs with ConnectorType properties such as USB Type-A, microUSB, and DisplayPort.

  • The user within the Computer-Shop.sln can create a CPU with specified Peripherals and ConnectorType.

  • The user can also connect/disconnect these peripherals based on the connector type and port availabilities using ConnectPeripheral() and DisconnectPeripheral() methods which accepts polymorphic arguement.

  • The user can also start their device using StartUp() method.

  • Pre-written codes are written within Program.cs for user to experiment with the program as shown below.
