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This is a self-study project. My goals for this project are

  • learn to write better networking code
  • learn to write better Scala code
  • develop a detailed understanding of RAFT

To get started, use

$ sbt compile

I use the Cake Pattern throughout the project for dependency injection. The assembly module lives in src/scala/com/jimjh/raft/package.scala, which might be a good place to start exploring the code.


All Remote Procedure Calls are implemented using Finagle and Thrift. The Scala classes may be generated using Scrooge, as follows

$ sbt scroogeGen

Rough Design

Here's a simplified description of the various classes and traits I intend to have. In practice, there will be a proliferation of traits and classes to enable dependency injection. Refer to the ScalaDoc for a detailed and up-to-date description of each package, class, and trait.

Users of this library are expected to

  • provide an application that implements the Application trait,
  • provide a logger that implements the slf4j api, and
  • launch instances of RaftServer.

ScalaDocs may be generated using

$ sbt doc

The package overview might be a good place to start.


The client makes RPCs to the server to execute some command on the state machine. Details TBD.


Each server will be implemented using a state machine that governs the transitions between the follower, leader, and candidate states. Servers have the following attributes:

  • currentTerm:long (persistent)
  • votedFor (persistent) - do we need one for each term?
  • commitIndex
  • state - one of FOLLOWER, LEADER, or CANDIDATE
  • nextIndex[]
  • matchIndex[]
  • log

Its implementation shall be divided into a ClientService (handles RPCs from clients) and a ConsensusService (handles RPCs between RAFT nodes.)


The log is responsible for

  • file I/O,
  • compaction (snapshotting),
  • application,
  • flushing,
  • recovery etc.

Attributes include

  • lastApplied:long (volatile/persistent, depends on snapshot),
  • delegate:App

Commands are applied by forwarding them to the delegate.


Application defines an application interface. Applications implement this interface to receive committed commands from the log.

On success, the lastApplied counter is incremented. If the application raises an exception, the server will be terminated.

def apply(cmd: String, args: Array[String])

As documented in the RAFT paper, it's up to the application to prevent duplicate executions of the same command e.g. assign unique serial numbers to each command and ignore commands that have been executed.


Triggers election timeouts on the server.


Triggers periodic heartbeats on the server.


An effort will be made to use dependency injection across the library. This will allow tests to provide mocks that can be used to simulate various network failures.

To run the tests, use

$ sbt test


  • Phase 1: Skeleton classes, RPCs
  • Phase 2: Timeouts, Leadership Election
  • Phase 3: Log Replication and Application
  • Phase 3.5: Persistent State
  • Phase 4: Membership Changes
  • Phase 5: Log Compaction (Snapshotting)



A self-study in scala and RAFT






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