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Ionic IOS App


  • This is an IOS accounting App supports users to add, delete, search, view their daily bills.
  • Currently support U.S./Canada phone authentication.
  • LAMP Built using Ionic4 + PHP + MySQL + Redis+Apache
  • Frontend: Angular.js + HTML + SCSS + TypeScript + Axios
  • Backend: PHP + MySQL + Redis

Backend API

  • REST API is written in PHP and database is MySQL and Redis.
  • One could use SQLite, PostgreSQL, MongoDb, and etc. There are many choices of database.

To Run


  • npm install -g ionic
  • npm i
  • ionic serve --browser google chrome

Further configuration

  1. Install database support: MySQL Redis, and configure PHP extensions for MySQL and Redis.
  2. Get your DB ready. Locate file: API/createDataBase.sql and run to create database tables.
  3. Get ready PHP -> DB connection. Locate Api/api/connection/ to set connection information for MySQL and Redis.
  4. Set base url of Backend API. Locate src/app/app.module.ts. Change axios.defaults.baseURL='' to your own server path.
  5. Install node.js
  6. Run npm install -g ionic
  7. Locate project folder run npm i
  8. Web Debugging. Locate project folder and run ionic serve --browser google chrome


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