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A simple Discord Podcasts announcement bot.
Follows some Podcasts on your server and lets you know when new episodes drop.

Run NPM Tests Run NPM Lint License: AGPL v3 Chat: Discord Docs: Available

Using the Hosted Bot

It is likely that you want to figure out how to use my hosted bot on your Discord server. You can find that documentation here. That documentation has an invitation link and a covers all the commands that the bot understands.

Hosting Your Own Bot

If you want to host your own version of the bot or use this code as a starting point for building your own bot that's what this whole GitHub repository is about. But you probably want to click the link above. Go ahead and browse the code or checkout my chaotic notes on setting up a server to host a version of the bot.

Some Great Podcasts to Experiment With

If you aren't really sure what you should be doing with the bot you need to follow some podcasts and wait for them to release new episodes. You can use /follow and enter the name of the show or /follow-rss if you want to copy and paste the URL of the RSS feed. Both will work as expected.

Podcast Title RSS Feed URL
Bat & Spider
Escape Hatch
The Letterboxd Show
Lost Light
Movie Mixtape
Twin Vipers
Will Run For...

You can't go wrong with any of the podcasts above. They are great examples of the audio form.