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File metadata and controls

910 lines (638 loc) · 22.6 KB

Document, Executor, and Flow are the three fundamental concepts in Jina.

  • Document is the basic data type in Jina;
  • Executor is how Jina processes Documents;
  • Flow is how Jina streamlines and scales Executors.

Learn them all, nothing more, you are good to go.

Cookbook on Flow 2.0 API

Table of Contents

Minimum working example

Pure Python: All-in-one Style

from jina import Flow, Document, Executor, requests

class MyExecutor(Executor):

    def foo(self, docs):

f = Flow().add(name='myexec1', uses=MyExecutor)

with f:'/bar', inputs=Document(), on_done=print)

Pure Python: Flow-as-a-Service Style


from jina import Flow, Executor, requests

class MyExecutor(Executor):

    def foo(self, docs):

f = Flow(port_expose=12345).add(name='myexec1', uses=MyExecutor)

with f:


from jina import Client, Document

c = Client(port_expose=12345)'/bar', inputs=Document(), on_done=print)



jtype: Flow
  - name: myexec1
    uses: MyExecutor
from jina import Flow, Document

f = Flow.load_config('my.yml')

with f:'/bar', inputs=Document(), on_done=print)

Flow API

  • Flow is how Jina streamlines and scales Executors.
  • Flow is a service, allowing multiple clients to access it via gRPC/REST/WebSocket from the public/private network.

A Flow object has the following common methods:

Construct Flow .add(), .needs()
Run Flow with context manager
Visualize Flow .plot()
Send Request .post()
Control .block(), .use_grpc_gateway(), .use_rest_gateway()

Create a Flow

An empty Flow can be created via:

from jina import Flow

f = Flow()

Use a Flow

To use f, always open it as a content manager, just like you open a file. This is considered the best practice in Jina:

with f:

Note that,

  • Flow follows a lazy construction pattern: it won't actually run until you use with to open it.

  • Once a Flow is open via with, you can send data requests to it. However, you cannot change its construction via .add() any more until it leaves the with context.

  • The context exits when its inner code is finished. A Flow's context without inner code will immediately exit. To prevent that, use .block() to suspend the current process.

    with f:
        f.block()  # block the current process

Visualize a Flow

from jina import Flow

f = Flow().add().plot('f.svg')

In Jupyter Lab/Notebook, the Flow object is rendered automatically without needing to call plot().

Add Executor to a Flow

.add() is the core method to add an Executor to a Flow object. Each add creates a new Executor, and these Executors can be run as a local thread/process, a remote process, inside a Docker container, or even inside a remote Docker container.

.add() accepts the following common arguments:

Define Executor uses
Define Dependencies needs
Parallelization parallel, polling

For a full list of arguments, please check jina executor --help.

Chain .add()

Chaining .add()s creates a sequential Flow.

from jina import Flow

f = Flow().add().add().add().add()

Define What Executor to Use via uses

uses parameter to specify the Executor.

uses accepts multiple value types including class name, Docker image, (inline) YAML.

Add Executor via its Class Name
from jina import Flow, Executor

class MyExecutor(Executor):

f = Flow().add(uses=MyExecutor)

with f:
Add Executor via YAML file

from jina import Executor

class MyExecutor(Executor):

    def __init__(self, bar):
        super().__init__() = bar



jtype: MyExecutor
  bar: 123
  name: awesomeness
  description: my first awesome executor
  /random_work: foo
from jina import Flow

f = Flow().add(uses='myexec.yml')

with f:

Note that, YAML file can be also inline:

from jina import Flow

f = (Flow()
jtype: MyExecutor
  bar: 123
  name: awesomeness
  description: my first awesome executor
  /random_work: foo    
Add Executor via Dict
from jina import Flow

f = Flow().add(
        'jtype': 'MyExecutor',
        'with': {'bar': 123}
Add Executor via Docker Image

To add an Executor from a Docker image tag myexec:latest, use:

from jina import Flow

f = Flow().add(uses='docker://myexec:latest')

Once built, it will start a Docker container.

Intra Parallelism via needs

For parallelism, use the needs parameter:

from jina import Flow

f = (Flow()
     .add(name='p1', needs='gateway')
     .add(name='p2', needs='gateway')
     .add(name='p3', needs='gateway')
     .needs(['p1', 'p2', 'p3'], name='r1'))

p1, p2, p3 now subscribe to Gateway and conduct their work in parallel. The last .needs() blocks all Executors until they finish their work.

.needs() is syntax sugar and roughly equal to:

.add(needs=['p1', 'p2', 'p3'])

.needs_all() is syntax sugar and roughly equal to:


"Orphan" Executors have no connected Executors to their outputs. The above code snippet can be also written as:

from jina import Flow

f = (Flow()
     .add(name='p1', needs='gateway')
     .add(name='p2', needs='gateway')
     .add(name='p3', needs='gateway')

Inter Parallelism via parallel

Parallelism can also be performed inside an Executor using parallel. The example below starts three p1:

from jina import Flow

f = (Flow()
     .add(name='p1', parallel=3)

Note, by default:

  • only one p1 will receive a message.
  • p2 will be called when any one of p1 finished.

To change that behavior, you can add polling argument to .add(), e.g. .add(parallel=3, polling='ALL'). Specifically,

polling Who will receive from upstream? When will downstream be called?
ANY one of parallels one of parallels is finished
ALL all parallels all parallels are finished
ALL_ASYNC all parallels one of parallels is finished

You can combine inter and inner parallelization via:

from jina import Flow

f = (Flow()
     .add(name='p1', needs='gateway')
     .add(name='p2', needs='gateway')
     .add(name='p3', parallel=3)
     .needs(['p1', 'p3'], name='r1'))

Add a Remote Executor via host

A Flow does not have to be local-only. You can put any Executor to remote(s). In the example below, the Executor with the host keyword gpu-exec, is put to a remote machine for parallelization, whereas other Executors stay local. Extra file dependencies that need to be uploaded are specified via the upload_files keyword.

# have docker installed
docker run --name=jinad --network=host -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock jinaai/jina:latest-daemon --port-expose 8000
# stop the docker container
docker rm -f jinad
from jina import Flow

f = (Flow()

Send Data Request via post

.post() is the core method for sending data to a Flow object.

.post() must be called inside the with context:

from jina import Flow

f = Flow().add(...)

with f:

Function Signature

def post(
        on: str,
        inputs: InputType,
        on_done: CallbackFnType = None,
        on_error: CallbackFnType = None,
        on_always: CallbackFnType = None,
        parameters: Optional[dict] = None,
        target_peapod: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
    """Post a general data request to the Flow.
    :param on: the endpoint is used for identifying the user-defined ``request_type``, labeled by ``@requests(on='/abc')``
    :param inputs: input data which can be an Iterable, a function which returns an Iterable, or a single Document id.
    :param on_done: the function to be called when the :class:`Request` object is resolved.
    :param on_error: the function to be called when the :class:`Request` object is rejected.
    :param on_always: the function to be called when the :class:`Request` object is  is either resolved or rejected.
    :param target_peapod: a regex string represent the certain peas/pods request targeted
    :param parameters: the kwargs that will be sent to the executor
    :param kwargs: additional parameters
    :return: None

Compared to 1.x Client/Flow API, the three new arguments are:

  • on: the endpoint used for identifying the user-defined request_type, labeled by @requests(on='/foo') in the Executor class;
  • parameters: the kwargs that will be sent to the Executor;
  • target_peapod: a regex string represent the certain peas/pods request targeted.

Note, all 1.x CRUD methods (index, search, update, delete) are just sugary syntax of post with on='/index' , on='/search', etc. Precisely, they are defined as:

index = partialmethod(post, '/index')
search = partialmethod(post, '/search')
update = partialmethod(post, '/update')
delete = partialmethod(post, '/delete')

Define Data via inputs

inputs can take a single Document object, an iterator of Document, a generator of Document, a DocumentArray object, and None.

For example:

from jina import Flow, DocumentArray, Document

d1 = Document(content='hello')
d2 = Document(content='world')

def doc_gen():
    for j in range(10):
        yield Document(content=f'hello {j}')

with Flow() as f:'/', d1)  # Single document'/', [d1, d2])  # a list of Document'/', doc_gen)  # Document generator'/', DocumentArray([d1, d2]))  # DocumentArray'/')  # empty

Document module provides some methods that lets you build Document generator, e.g. from_csv , from_files, from_ndarray, from_ndjson. They can be used in conjunction with .post(), e.g.

from jina import Flow
from jina.types.document.generators import from_csv

f = Flow()

with f, open('my.csv') as fp:
    f.index(from_csv(fp, field_resolver={'question': 'text'}))

Callback Functions

Once a request is made, callback functions are fired. Jina Flow implements a Promise-like interface. You can add callback functions on_done, on_error, on_always to hook different events. In the example below, our Flow passes the message then prints the result when successful. If something goes wrong, it beeps. Finally, the result is written to output.txt.

from jina import Document, Flow

def beep(*args):
    # make a beep sound
    import os
    os.system('echo -n "\a";')

with Flow().add() as f, open('output.txt', 'w') as fp:'/',
           on_always=lambda x: fp.write(x.json()))

Send Parameters

To send parameters to the Executor, use

from jina import Document, Executor, Flow, requests

class MyExecutor(Executor):

    def foo(self, parameters, **kwargs):

f = Flow().add(uses=MyExecutor)

with f:'/', Document(), parameters={'hello': 'world'})

Note that you can send a parameters-only data request via:

with f:'/', parameters={'hello': 'world'})

This is useful to control Executor objects in the runtime.

Asynchronous Flow

AsyncFlow is an "async version" of the Flow class.

The quote mark represents the explicit async when using AsyncFlow.

While synchronous from outside, Flow also runs asynchronously under the hood: it manages the eventloop(s) for scheduling the jobs. If the user wants more control over the eventloop, then AsyncFlow can be used.

Unlike Flow, AsyncFlow accepts input and output functions as async generators. This is useful when your data sources involve other asynchronous libraries (e.g. motor for MongoDB):

import asyncio

from jina import AsyncFlow, Document

async def async_inputs():
    for _ in range(10):
        yield Document()
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

with AsyncFlow().add() as f:
    async for resp in'/', async_inputs):

AsyncFlow is particularly useful when Jina and another heavy-lifting job are running concurrently:

import time
import asyncio

from jina import AsyncFlow, Document, Executor, requests

class HeavyWork(Executor):

    def foo(self, **kwargs):

async def run_async_flow_5s():
    with AsyncFlow().add(uses=HeavyWork) as f:
        async for resp in'/'):

async def heavylifting():  # total roundtrip takes ~5s
    print('heavylifting other io-bound jobs, e.g. download, upload, file io')
    await asyncio.sleep(5)
    print('heavylifting done after 5s')

async def concurrent_main():  # about 5s; but some dispatch cost, can't be just 5s, usually at <7s
    await asyncio.gather(run_async_flow_5s(), heavylifting())

if __name__ == '__main__':

AsyncFlow is very useful when using Jina inside a Jupyter Notebook, where it can run out-of-the-box.

Flow as a Service

A Flow is a service. Though implicit, you are already using it as a service.

When you start a Flow and call .post() inside the context, a jina.Client object is started and used for communication.

Many times we need to use Flow & Client in a more explicit way, often due to one of the following reasons:

  • Flow and Client are on different machines: one on GPU, one on CPU
  • Flow and Client have different lifetime: one lives longer, one lives shorter.
  • Multiple Client want to access one Flow;
  • One Client want to interleave its access to multiple Flow.

So here is how:

Python Client with gRPC Request

On the server-side, create an empty Flow and use .block to prevent the process exiting.

from jina import Flow

with Flow(port_expose=12345) as f:
        gateway@27251[I]:starting jina.peapods.runtimes.asyncio.grpc.GRPCRuntime...
        gateway@27251[I]:input tcp:// (PULL_CONNECT) output tcp:// (PUSH_BIND) control over ipc:///var/folders/89/wxpq1yjn44g26_kcbylqkcb40000gn/T/tmp0ygqijgx (PAIR_BIND)
        gateway@27251[S]:GRPCRuntime is listening at:
        gateway@27247[S]:ready and listening
           Flow@27247[I]:1 Pods (i.e. 1 Peas) are running in this Flow
           Flow@27247[S]:🎉 Flow is ready to use, accepting gRPC request
	🖥️ Local access:	tcp://
	🔒 Private network:	tcp://

Note that the host address is and port_expose is 12345.

While keep this server open, let's create a client on a different machine:

from jina import Client

c = Client(host='', port_expose=12345)'/')
         Client@27219[S]:connected to the gateway at!
  |█                   | 📃    100 ⏱️ 0.0s 🐎 26690.1/s      1   requests takes 0 seconds (0.00s)
	✅ done in ⏱ 0 seconds 🐎 24854.8/s

Switch REST & gRPC Request

By default all .post() communications are via gRPC interface.

To enable a Flow to receive from an HTTP request, you can add restful=True in the Flow constructor.

from jina import Flow

f = Flow(restful=True).add(...)

with f:

You can switch to REST interface also via .use_rest_gateway(). Switching back to gRPC can be done via .use_grpc_gateway().

Note, unlike 1.x these two functions can be used inside the with context after the Flow has started:

from jina import Flow, Document

f = Flow()

with f:'/index', Document())  # indexing data

    f.use_rest_gateway()  # switch to REST to accept HTTP request

You will see console prints logs as follows:

           JINA@4262[I]:input tcp:// (PULL_CONNECT) output tcp:// (PUSH_BIND) control over ipc:///var/folders/89/wxpq1yjn44g26_kcbylqkcb40000gn/T/tmp4e9u2pdn (PAIR_BIND)
    Jina REST interface
    💬 Swagger UI:	http://localhost:53895/docs
    📚 Redoc     :	http://localhost:53895/redoc
           JINA@4262[S]:ready and listening
        gateway@4262[S]:RESTRuntime is listening at:
        gateway@4251[S]:ready and listening

You can navigate to the Swagger docs UI via http://localhost:53895/docs:

curl with HTTP Request

Now you can send data request via curl/Postman:

$ curl --request POST -d '{"data": [{"text": "hello world"}]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:53895/post/index

  "request_id": "1f52dae0-93a5-47b5-9fa0-522a75301d99",
  "data": {
    "docs": [
        "id": "28287a66-b86a-11eb-99c2-1e008a366d49",
        "tags": {},
        "text": "hello world",
        "content_hash": "",
        "granularity": 0,
        "adjacency": 0,
        "parent_id": "",
        "chunks": [],
        "weight": 0.0,
        "siblings": 0,
        "matches": [],
        "mime_type": "",
        "location": [],
        "offset": 0,
        "modality": "",
        "evaluations": []
    "groundtruths": []
  "header": {
    "exec_endpoint": "index",
    "target_peapod": "",
    "no_propagate": false
  "routes": [
      "pod": "gateway",
      "pod_id": "5e4211d0-3916-4f33-8b9e-eec54be8ed9a",
      "start_time": "2021-05-19T06:19:24.472050Z",
      "end_time": "2021-05-19T06:19:24.473895Z"
      "pod": "gateway",
      "pod_id": "83a7ad34-1042-4b5d-b065-3692e2fc691b",
      "start_time": "2021-05-19T06:19:24.473831Z"
  "status": {
    "code": "SUCCESS",
    "description": ""

When use curl, make sure to pass the -N/--no-buffer flag.

Python Client with REST Request

In some case when restful=True, you may still need a Python client to query the server for debugging. You can use WebsocketClient in this case.

from jina.clients import WebSocketClient

c = WebSocketClient(host='', port_expose=12345)'/')
WebSocketClient@27622[S]:Connected to the gateway at
  |█                   | 📃    100 ⏱️ 0.0s 🐎 19476.6/s      1   requests takes 0 seconds (0.00s)
	✅ done in ⏱ 0 seconds 🐎 18578.9/s



Combining docs from multiple requests is already done by the ZEDRuntime before feeding them to the Executor's function. Hence, simple joining is just returning this docs. Complicated joining should be implemented at Document /DocumentArray

from jina import Executor, requests, Flow, Document

class C(Executor):

    def foo(self, docs, **kwargs):
        # 6 docs
        return docs

class B(Executor):

    def foo(self, docs, **kwargs):
        # 3 docs
        for idx, d in enumerate(docs):
            d.text = f'hello {idx}'

class A(Executor):

    def A(self, docs, **kwargs):
        # 3 docs
        for idx, d in enumerate(docs):
            d.text = f'world {idx}'

f = Flow().add(uses=A).add(uses=B, needs='gateway').add(uses=C, needs=['pod0', 'pod1'])

with f:'/some_endpoint',
           inputs=[Document() for _ in range(3)],

You can also modify the Documents while merging, which was not feasible to do in 1.x:

class C(Executor):

    def foo(self, docs, **kwargs):
        # 6 docs
        for d in docs:
            d.text += '!!!'
        return docs