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fix(importer): fix jina check (#1762)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* fix(importer): add a test

* fix: refactoring codes

* fix: refactoring codes

* fix: fix the bug

* fix: fix the bug

* fix: refactoring codes

* fix: refactoring codes

* fix: refactoring codes

* fix: refactoring codes

* fix: fix the tests

* fix: refactoring codes

* fix: remove the targets argument

* fix: fix the tests

* fix: minor formatting

* fix: minor formatting

* fix: minor formatting

* fix: minor formatting

* fix: minor formatting

* fix: minor formatting

* fix: minor formatting

* fix: fix helper strings

* fix: fix the empty hub return
  • Loading branch information
nan-wang committed Jan 30, 2021
1 parent 415ccb7 commit 2765a59
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Showing 3 changed files with 168 additions and 113 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion jina/
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def __init__(self, args: 'argparse.Namespace'):

_r = import_classes('jina.hub', show_import_table=True, import_once=False)

if args.summary_exec:
if args.summary_exec and _r:
with open(args.summary_exec, 'w') as fp:
_print_dep_tree_rst(fp, _r, 'Executor')

Expand Down
231 changes: 122 additions & 109 deletions jina/
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
import warnings
from types import SimpleNamespace, ModuleType
from typing import Optional, List, Any, Dict
from collections import defaultdict

IMPORTED = SimpleNamespace()
IMPORTED.executors = False
Expand All @@ -11,141 +12,58 @@
IMPORTED.hub = False

def import_classes(namespace: str, targets=None,
def import_classes(namespace: str,
show_import_table: bool = False,
import_once: bool = False):
Import all or selected executors into the runtime. This is called when Jina is first imported for registering the YAML
constructor beforehand. It can be also used to import third-part or external executors.
:param namespace: the namespace to import
:param targets: the list of executor names to import
:param show_import_table: show the import result as a table
:param import_once: import everything only once, to avoid repeated import
:return: the dependency tree of the imported classes under the `namespace`

import os, re

if namespace == 'jina.executors':
import_type = 'ExecutorType'
if import_once and IMPORTED.executors:
elif namespace == 'jina.drivers':
import_type = 'DriverType'
if import_once and IMPORTED.drivers:
elif namespace == 'jina.hub':
import_type = 'ExecutorType'
if import_once and IMPORTED.hub:
_namespace2type = {
'jina.executors': 'ExecutorType',
'jina.drivers': 'DriverType',
'jina.hub': 'ExecutorType'
_import_type = _namespace2type.get(namespace)
if _import_type is None:
raise TypeError(f'namespace: {namespace} is unrecognized')

from setuptools import find_packages
import pkgutil
from pkgutil import iter_modules
_imported_property = namespace.split('.')[-1]
_is_imported = getattr(IMPORTED, _imported_property)
if import_once and _is_imported:
warnings.warn(f'{namespace} has already imported. If you want to re-imported, please set `import_once=True`',
return {}

path = os.path.dirname(pkgutil.get_loader(namespace).path)
except AttributeError:
if namespace == 'jina.hub':
warnings.warn(f'hub submodule is not initialized. Please try "git submodule update --init"', ImportWarning)
_modules = _get_modules(namespace)
except ImportError as e:
warnings.warn(f'{namespace} has no module to import. {e}', ImportWarning)
return {}

modules = set()

for info in iter_modules([path]):
if (namespace != 'jina.hub' and not info.ispkg) or (namespace == 'jina.hub' and info.ispkg):

for pkg in find_packages(path):
modules.add('.'.join([namespace, pkg]))
pkgpath = path + '/' + pkg.replace('.', '/')
for info in iter_modules([pkgpath]):
if (namespace != 'jina.hub' and not info.ispkg) or (namespace == 'jina.hub' and info.ispkg):
modules.add('.'.join([namespace, pkg,]))

# filter
ignored_module_pattern = r'\.tests|\.api|\.bump_version'
modules = {m for m in modules if not re.findall(ignored_module_pattern, m)}

from collections import defaultdict
load_stat = defaultdict(list)
bad_imports = []

if isinstance(targets, str):
targets = {targets}
elif isinstance(targets, list):
targets = set(targets)
elif targets is None:
targets = {}
raise TypeError(f'target must be a set, but received {targets!r}')

depend_tree = {}
import importlib
from .helper import colored
for m in modules:
for _mod_name in _modules:
mod = importlib.import_module(m)
for k in dir(mod):
# import the class
if (getattr(mod, k).__class__.__name__ == import_type) and (not targets or k in targets):
_c = getattr(mod, k)

d = depend_tree
for vvv in _c.mro()[:-1][::-1]:
if vvv.__name__ not in d:
d[vvv.__name__] = {}
d = d[vvv.__name__]
d['module'] = m
if k in targets:
if not targets:
return getattr(mod, k) # target execs are all found and loaded, return
# load the default request for this executor if possible
from .executors.requests import get_default_reqs
get_default_reqs(type.mro(getattr(mod, k)))
except ValueError:
(k, True, colored('▸', 'green').join(f'{vvv.__name__}' for vvv in _c.mro()[:-1][::-1])))
except Exception as ex:
load_stat[m].append((k, False, ex))
bad_imports.append('.'.join([m, k]))
if k in targets:
raise ex # target class is found but not loaded, raise return
bad_imports += _import_module(_mod_name, _import_type, depend_tree, load_stat)
except Exception as ex:
load_stat[m].append(('', False, ex))

if targets:
raise ImportError(f'{targets} can not be found/load')
load_stat[_mod_name].append(('', False, ex))

if show_import_table:

if bad_imports:
if namespace != 'jina.hub':
f'theses modules or classes can not be imported {bad_imports}. '
f'You can use `jina check` to list all executors and drivers')
f'due to the missing dependencies or bad implementations, '
f'{bad_imports} can not be imported '
f'if you are using these executors/drivers, they wont work. '
f'You can use `jina check` to list all executors and drivers')

if namespace == 'jina.executors':
IMPORTED.executors = True
elif namespace == 'jina.drivers':
IMPORTED.drivers = True
elif namespace == 'jina.hub':
IMPORTED.hub = True
_raise_bad_imports_warnings(bad_imports, namespace)

setattr(IMPORTED, _imported_property, True)

return depend_tree

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,3 +261,98 @@ def _iter(d, depth):
fp.write(f'\n\n## Modules in a Table View \n\n| Class | Module |\n')
fp.write('| --- | --- |\n')

def _raise_bad_imports_warnings(bad_imports, namespace):
if not bad_imports:
if namespace != 'jina.hub':
f'theses modules or classes can not be imported {bad_imports}. '
f'You can use `jina check` to list all executors and drivers')
f'due to the missing dependencies or bad implementations, '
f'{bad_imports} can not be imported '
f'if you are using these executors/drivers, they wont work. '
f'You can use `jina check` to list all executors and drivers')

def _get_modules(namespace):
from setuptools import find_packages
from pkgutil import get_loader

_path = os.path.dirname(get_loader(namespace).path)
except AttributeError as ex:
if namespace == 'jina.hub':
warnings.warn(f'hub submodule is not initialized. Please try "git submodule update --init"', ImportWarning)
raise ImportError(f'{namespace} can not be imported. {ex}')

_modules = _get_submodules(_path, namespace)

for _pkg in find_packages(_path):
_modules.add('.'.join([namespace, _pkg]))
_pkgpath = os.path.join(_path, _pkg.replace('.', '/'))
_modules |= _get_submodules(_pkgpath, namespace, prefix=_pkg)

return _filter_modules(_modules)

def _get_submodules(path, namespace, prefix=None):
from pkgutil import iter_modules
_prefix = '.'.join([namespace, prefix]) if prefix else namespace
modules = set()
for _info in iter_modules([path]):
_is_hub_module = namespace == 'jina.hub' and _info.ispkg
_is_nonhub_module = namespace != 'jina.hub' and not _info.ispkg
module_name = '.'.join([_prefix,])
if _is_hub_module or _is_nonhub_module:
return modules

def _filter_modules(modules):
import re
_ignored_module_pattern = re.compile(r'\.tests|\.api|\.bump_version')
return {m for m in modules if not _ignored_module_pattern.findall(m)}

def _load_default_exc_config(cls_obj):
from .executors.requests import get_default_reqs
_request = get_default_reqs(type.mro(cls_obj))
except ValueError as ex:
warnings.warn(f'Please ensure a config yml is given for {cls_obj.__name__}. {ex}')

def _update_depend_tree(cls_obj, module_name, cur_tree):
d = cur_tree
for vvv in cls_obj.mro()[:-1][::-1]:
if vvv.__name__ not in d:
d[vvv.__name__] = {}
d = d[vvv.__name__]
d['module'] = module_name

def _import_module(module_name, import_type, depend_tree, load_stat):
from importlib import import_module
from .helper import colored
bad_imports = []
_mod_obj = import_module(module_name)
for _attr in dir(_mod_obj):
_cls_obj = getattr(_mod_obj, _attr)
if _cls_obj.__class__.__name__ != import_type:
# update the dependency tree for each class
_update_depend_tree(_cls_obj, module_name, depend_tree)
if _cls_obj.__class__.__name__ == 'ExecutorType':
# TODO: _success_msg is never used
_success_msg = colored('▸', 'green').join(f'{vvv.__name__}' for vvv in _cls_obj.mro()[:-1][::-1])
load_stat[module_name].append((_attr, True, _success_msg))
except Exception as ex:
load_stat[module_name].append((_attr, False, ex))
bad_imports.append('.'.join([module_name, _attr]))
return bad_imports
48 changes: 45 additions & 3 deletions tests/unit/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import pytest

from jina.importer import ImportExtensions
from jina.importer import ImportExtensions, import_classes
from jina.logging import default_logger

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,12 +36,54 @@ def test_bad_import():
assert not ie._tags

def test_no_suppress_other_exception():
with pytest.raises(Exception):
with ImportExtensions(required=False, logger=default_logger):
raise Exception

with pytest.raises(Exception):
with ImportExtensions(required=True, logger=default_logger):
raise Exception
raise Exception

@pytest.mark.parametrize('import_once', [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ns', ['jina.executors', 'jina.hub', 'jina.drivers'])
def test_import_classes_import_once(ns, import_once):
depend_tree = import_classes(namespace=ns, import_once=import_once)
assert (not depend_tree) == import_once

@pytest.mark.parametrize('import_once', [True, False])
def test_import_classes_import_once_exception(import_once):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
_ = import_classes(namespace='dummy', import_once=import_once)

@pytest.mark.parametrize('ns', ['jina.executors', 'jina.hub', 'jina.drivers'])
def test_import_classes_failed_find_package(ns, mocker):
mocker.patch('pkgutil.get_loader', return_value=None)
depend_tree = import_classes(namespace=ns)
assert len(depend_tree) == 0

@pytest.mark.parametrize('ns', ['jina.executors', 'jina.hub', 'jina.drivers'])
def test_import_classes_failed_import_module(ns, mocker, recwarn):
import importlib
mocker.patch.object(importlib, 'import_module', side_effect=Exception('mocked error'))
depend_tree = import_classes(namespace=ns)
assert len(depend_tree) == 0
assert len(recwarn) == 1
assert 'You can use `jina check` to list all executors and drivers' in recwarn[0].message.args[0]

@pytest.mark.parametrize('print_table', [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ns', ['jina.executors', 'jina.hub'])
def test_import_classes_failed_load_default_exc_config(ns, print_table, mocker, recwarn, capsys):
mocker.patch('pkg_resources.resource_stream', side_effect=Exception('mocked error'))
_ = import_classes(namespace=ns, show_import_table=print_table)
if print_table:
captured = capsys.readouterr()
assert '✗' in captured.out
assert len(recwarn) == 1
assert 'You can use `jina check` to list all executors and drivers' in recwarn[0].message.args[0]

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