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docs: add similar audio search tutorials (#3839)
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* docs: add similar audio search tutorials

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nan-wang committed Nov 2, 2021
1 parent d03360f commit b1aba21
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3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions docs/datatype/audio/

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions docs/datatype/audio/
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Expand Up @@ -149,5 +149,5 @@ By no means you are restricted to use Jina native methods for audio processing.
232 changes: 232 additions & 0 deletions docs/datatype/audio/similar-audio-search/
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# Search Similar Audios

Do you want to find similar songs from your music library? Do you want to search all the meeting records that your leader has given a comment? Do you want to find the timestamp from your videos when your baby is laughing? In all these cases, searching similar audios will be helpful. As an important format of storing information, searching audios is an essential part for managing multimedial data. In this tutorial, we will build an example using the [VGGish]( model.

## Build the Flow

```{figure} similar-audio-search-flow.svg
:align: center

### Segment the Audio Clips
In this example, we use the [AudioSet]( dataset.
The dataset contains millions of annotated audios events extracted from YouTube videos. Each audio event is 10-second long and labeled to 632 audio event classes.
One major challenges is that some audio events contains other events. This makes it difficult and nosiy to express the whole clip with a single vector. For example, the audio clip below is labled as `Applause` but contains a long part of music. To overcome this issue, we use the [recursive structure]( of Jina Document and split the events into smaller chunks. Each chunk contains an audio clip of 4-second.

<audio controls>
<source src="../../../_static/similar-audio-search-UE3XnVFodMI_230000_applause.mp3" type="audio/mp3">
Your browser does not support the audio element.

```{admonition} Tips
:class: info
The AudioSet dataset doesn't contain the original audio event. You can use `youtube-dl` to download the audio data from the corresponding YouTube videos:
youtube-dl --postprocessor-args '-ss 8.953 -to 18.953' -x --audio-format mp3 -o 'data/OXJ9Ln2sXJ8_30000.%(ext)s'\?v\=OXJ9Ln2sXJ8_30000

To segment the audio events into 4-second chunks, we create an executor, namely `AudioSegmenter`, which use [`librosa`]( to load the audio files as waveform into `blob`. Afterwards, it splits the waveform array into smaller arrays based on the `window_size`. Each small array contains the audio data iin the wave form and is stored in the `blob` attribute of the chunks.

The `stride` argument is for setting the step size of the sliding window. Using `stride=2` and `window_size=4` to process a 10-second audio events, we will get 4 chunks, of which each chunk is 4-second long and has 2 seconds overlapped with the previous one.

`AudioSegmenter` requires the file path of the audio files to be defined in the `uri` attribute of each input Document.

import librosa as lr

class AudioSegmenter(Executor):
def __init__(self, window_size: float = 4, stride: float = 2, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.window_size = window_size # seconds
self.stride = stride

@requests(on=['/index', '/search'])
def segment(self, docs: DocumentArray, **kwargs):
for idx, doc in enumerate(docs):
doc.blob, sample_rate = lr.load(doc.uri, sr=16000)
except RuntimeError as e:
print(f'failed to load {doc.uri}, {e}')
doc.tags['sample_rate'] = sample_rate
chunk_size = int(self.window_size * sample_rate)
stride_size = int(self.stride * sample_rate)
num_chunks = max(1, int((doc.blob.shape[0] - chunk_size) / stride_size))
for chunk_id in range(num_chunks):
beg = chunk_id * stride_size
end = beg + chunk_size
if beg > doc.blob.shape[0]:
c = Document(
location=[beg, end],

```{admonition} Note
:class: important
`sample_rate` is required for generating log mel spectrogram features and therefore we store this information at `tags['sample_rate']`.

```{admonition} Tips
:class: info
The length of audios might not be exactly 10 seconds and therefore the number of extract chunks might vary from audio to audio.

### Encode the Audios

To encode the sound clips into vectors, we choose VGGish model from Google Research. By default, the VGGish model needs the audios to be sampled at 16kHz and converted to examples of log mel spectrogram. The returning embeddings for each sound clip is a matrix of the size `K x 128`, where `K` is the number of examples in log mel spectrogram and roughly correpsond to the length of audio in seconds. Therefore, each 4-second audio clip in the chunks is represented by four 128-dimensional vectors.

Since the sequence of the sounds matters, we further concatenate these four vectors and consider the resulted 512-dimensional vector as the final representation for each audio clip. After encoding indexing and querying audios into 512-dimensional vectors, we can find the similar audios to the querying ones by looking for nearest neighbors in the vector space.

[VGGishAudioEncoder]( is available at Jina Hub. It accepts three types of inputs
- the waveform data stored in `blob` attribute together with the sampling rate information stored in `tags['sample_rate']`
- the log mel spectrogram features stored in `blob` attribute
- the file path information of a `.mp3` or `.wav` file stored in the `uri` attribute

`load_input_from` argument is to configurate the input data type, which can be each `waveform`, `log_mel`, or `uri`. `min_duration` defines the number of vectors to concatenate.

- name: 'encoder'
uses: 'jinahub+docker://VGGishAudioEncoder/v0.4'
traversal_paths: ['c', ]
load_input_from: 'waveform'
min_duration: 4
- './models:/workspace/models'

```{admonition} Note
:class: important
When choosing `waveform` in VGGishAudioEncoder, we need to provide `sample_rate` at `tags['sample_rate']` for generating log mel spectrogram features.

### Storage

We choose the [SimpleIndexer]( from Jina Hub for building a simple index storing both embedding vectors and meta information. During querying, we need to split the querying audios in the same way as indexing and generating chunks. Therefore, we need to set both `traversal_rdarray` and `traversal_ldarray` to `['c',]` to ask the SimpleIndexer to use the embeddings of the chunks for the querying and the indexed Documents correspondingly.

- name: 'indexer'
uses: 'jinahub://SimpleIndexer/v0.7'
limit: 5
traversal_rdarray: ['c',]
traversal_ldarray: ['c',]

### Merge the Matches

Since we use audio chunks to retrieve the matches, we need to merge the retrieved matches into the matches for each query audio. We write `MyRanker` as below to collect the original 10-second audio event for each retrieved 4-second short clips. Since one audio event might be retrieved for multiple times base on different parts of its short clips, we use the score of the most matched short clip as the score of the audio event. Afterwards, the retrieved audio events are sorted by their scores.

class MyRanker(Executor):
def rank(self, docs: DocumentArray = None, **kwargs):
for doc in docs.traverse_flat(('r', )):
parents_scores = defaultdict(list)
parents_match = defaultdict(list)
for m in DocumentArray([doc]).traverse_flat(['cm']):
new_matches = []
for match_parent_id, scores in parents_scores.items():
score_id = np.argmin(scores)
score = scores[score_id]
match = parents_match[match_parent_id][score_id]
new_match = Document(
scores={'cosine': score})
# Sort the matches
doc.matches = new_matches
doc.matches.sort(key=lambda d: d.scores['cosine'].value)

## Run the Flow

As we defined the flow in the YAML file, we use the `load_config` function to create the Flow and index the data.

from jina import DocumentArray, Flow
from jina.types.document.generators import from_files

docs = DocumentArray(from_files('toy-data/*.mp3'))

f = Flow.load_config('flow.yml')
with f:'/index', inputs=docs)
f.protocol = 'http'
f.cors = True

### Query from Python
With the Flow running as a http service, we can use the Jina swagger UI tool to query.
Open the browser at `localhost:45678/docs`, send query via the Swagger UI,

"data": [
"uri": "toy-data/6pO06krKrf8_30000_airplane.mp3"

## Show Resutls

<td><audio controls><source src="../../../_static/similar-audio-search-HL-SGox-Ez0_churchbell.mp3" type="audio/mp3"></audio></td>
<td><audio controls><source src="../../../_static/similar-audio-search-IusuWEAoIoY_churchbell.mp3" type="audio/mp3"></audio></td>
<td><audio controls><source src="../../../_static/similar-audio-search-_JTHtcRHxnw_churchbell.mp3" type="audio/mp3"></audio></td>
<td><audio controls><source src="../../../_static/similar-audio-search-YpUQ46pPj4c_airplane.mp3" type="audio/mp3"></audio></td>
<td><audio controls><source src="../../../_static/similar-audio-search-LX_FgjpJE60_airplane.mp3" type="audio/mp3"></audio></td>
<td><audio controls><source src="../../../_static/similar-audio-search-6pO06krKrf8_30000_airplane.mp3" type="audio/mp3"></audio></td>

## Get the Source Code

The code is available at [example-audio-search](

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