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 Han Xiao,  Morry Wang,  fhaase2,  Jina Dev Bot,  BingHo1013,  🙇

 - [[```7e592805```](] __-__ __helloworld__: add cli arg 'download-proxy' (*Morry Wang*)
 - [[```5ac225e8```](] __-__ __indexer__: allow user switch indexer in query time (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```6158ce3d```](] __-__ __indexer__: add size (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```66bef2c1```](] __-__ __proto__: add location info to chunk (*Han Xiao*)

 - [[```f67fdf1b```](] __-__ __indexer__: fix ref_indexer in ChunkIndexer (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```11f80552```](] __-__ __indexer__: fix index size logging (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```487f5bad```](] __-__ __driver__: fix del in topkfilter (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```e4c5aca4```](] __-__ __driver__: topkfilter now remove irrelevant chunks (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```ea8c1fec```](] __-__ __driver__: move topkfilter to ranker (*Han Xiao*)

 - [[```1b67d379```](] __-__ __indexer__: abstract rw ndarray from numpyindexer (*Han Xiao*)

 - [[```0e4c4c1e```](] __-__ __gateway__: concurrency test for rest gateway (*fhaase2*)

 - [[```29bbb28b```](] __-__ hotfix feature wrap indexer (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```57600153```](] __-__ update copyright header (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```d985f4d6```](] __-__ Delete 1500x667 new.gif (*BingHo1013*)
 - [[```a4618512```](] __-__ update readme gif (*BingHo1013*)
 - [[```6e3ece22```](] __-__ __docs__: update TOC (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```80100ca2```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.3.3 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```0db4bd9f```](] __-__ hotfix publish driver (*Han Xiao*)
Assets 2