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 Jina Dev Bot,  Joan Fontanals Martinez,  Han Xiao,  Nan Wang,  Joan Fontanals,  shivam-raj,  Alex C-G,  fhaase2,  Anish Pawar,  hanxiao,  BingHo1013,  Andrey Vasnetsov,  Morry Wang,  coolmian,  JamesTang616,  Anish,  Shivam Raj,  🙇

 - [[```05828c89```](] __-__ __ci__: try to add code coverage reports using codecov (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```aea024b9```](] __-__ __indexers__: add integration tests for milvusdb (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```839fc317```](] __-__ __driver__: add filter driver (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```0142c743```](] __-__ __indexers__: add milvusIndexer (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```e39920dc```](] __-__ __indexers__: add milvus db handler to abstract milvus db (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```6412ff7a```](] __-__ __executors__: safe access _device, check on gpu post_init_wrapper (*Joan Fontanals*)
 - [[```19565b2e```](] __-__ __driver__: add queryset driver (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```9f75f590```](] __-__ __indexer__: add annoy search_k parameter (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```0f868c96```](] __-__ __executors__: add distance parameter to faiss indexer (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```1b3d265e```](] __-__ __executors__: add nprobe parameter to faiss indexer (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```95e036e6```](] __-__ __flow__: change search_numpy to search_ndarray for consistency (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```ee6df32e```](] __-__ __drivers__: add unaryencodedriver (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```d86d821c```](] __-__ __crafter__: add crafter arraybytesreader (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```6af3f1fb```](] __-__ rename port grpc (*fhaase2*)
 - [[```ee00b938```](] __-__ __indexer__: add spaces (*shivam-raj*)
 - [[```1aa9ae17```](] __-__ __indexer__: fix code according to suggestions (*shivam-raj*)
 - [[```7e592805```](] __-__ __helloworld__: add cli arg 'download-proxy' (*Morry Wang*)
 - [[```5ac225e8```](] __-__ __indexer__: allow user switch indexer in query time (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```7cb893a7```](] __-__ __encoder__: add fastica to numeric encoders (*JamesTang616*)
 - [[```6158ce3d```](] __-__ __indexer__: add size (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```66bef2c1```](] __-__ __proto__: add location info to chunk (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```a793a1e4```](] __-__ __executor__: add image custom keras (*Anish*)
 - [[```12ed8925```](] __-__ __indexer__: add recall vs speed tradeoff (*Shivam Raj*)
 - [[```e0dfc7c2```](] __-__ __indexer__: add multithreading for indexing (*Shivam Raj*)
 - [[```fb9cd9d8```](] __-__ __indexer__: fix NGTIndexer and test (*Shivam Raj*)
 - [[```c82f1e8e```](] __-__ __indexer__: fix test (*Shivam Raj*)
 - [[```712c0d19```](] __-__ __indexer__: add test and requirement (*Shivam Raj*)
 - [[```df19efdd```](] __-__ __indexer__: fix get_query_handler (*Shivam Raj*)
 - [[```3997f900```](] __-__ __indexer__: add ngt indexer (*Shivam Raj*)
 - [[```df91778c```](] __-__ __crafter__: add deepsegment (*Han Xiao*)

 - [[```9dd18c69```](] __-__ increase the timeout for test_hub_build_pull (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```91ab8831```](] __-__ add reasons for the skipped unittests (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```eea3a22f```](] __-__ disable test_container_volume (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```7500be38```](] __-__ clean up (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```d4be59ae```](] __-__ add sleep for container tests (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```08159f1c```](] __-__ add sleep for closing the ports (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```9852feb8```](] __-__ add the timeout for hw (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```3d202c4c```](] __-__ fix the global timeout (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```a55e4e61```](] __-__ add the global timeout (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```26da9f26```](] __-__ add more timeout (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```c833476b```](] __-__ fix test_hub (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```a68e2be6```](] __-__ fix test_index and test_container (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```5a8b8659```](] __-__ debug test_quant (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```b6b92f62```](] __-__ fix the tfkeras and pytorch tests (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```befa8464```](] __-__ debug test_gateway (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```49f5550b```](] __-__ add pytest-timeout (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```6cc6d3d3```](] __-__ __workflows__: switch to pytest and pytest-xdist (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```cf8698c4```](] __-__ fix the bug in using chunks (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```e89e2b62```](] __-__ fix the conflicts when using chunks (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```706af7c3```](] __-__ __drivers__: fix the bug on chunks in drivers (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```80e44b17```](] __-__ debug the test_mime (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```efda3b40```](] __-__ __ci__: disable the over-verbose logs (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```d4cdd970```](] __-__ __indexer__: remove print statements (*shivam-raj*)
 - [[```7937c075```](] __-__ __indexer__: resolve conflict (*shivam-raj*)
 - [[```532a9f8b```](] __-__ __indexer__: add tests in separate file (*shivam-raj*)
 - [[```63204742```](] __-__ __helloworld__: remove unused component (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```e0ed7e4c```](] __-__ __ci__: remove redundant print (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```4546a608```](] __-__ __encoders__: fix mask prune creation (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```8a70c7f5```](] __-__ __driver__: use copyfrom in doc craft driver (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```efa1cc86```](] __-__ __crafter__: document does not have offset (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```f22420fd```](] __-__ __unittest__: adapt extra requirements (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```ed8b97c0```](] __-__ __unittest__: install extra libsndfile lib dependency (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```bcbf4f1b```](] __-__ __unittest__: fix segmenter test (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```9890883a```](] __-__ __gpu__: auto degrade when gpu not available (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```a7578f9d```](] __-__ __unittest__: fix sentencizer output for chinese language (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```ee7a2274```](] __-__ __unittest__: check ranker is not none when testing (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```d535c5ec```](] __-__ __flow__: fix the mismatched arguments (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```ab123027```](] __-__ __docs__: correct the mismatched parameter value (*coolmian*)
 - [[```11f80552```](] __-__ __indexer__: fix index size logging (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```487f5bad```](] __-__ __driver__: fix del in topkfilter (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```4fd2ff2a```](] __-__ __executor__: fix init (*Anish*)
 - [[```e4c5aca4```](] __-__ __driver__: topkfilter now remove irrelevant chunks (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```ea8c1fec```](] __-__ __driver__: move topkfilter to ranker (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```ca23ea7a```](] __-__ __executor__: fix encode axis (*Anish*)
 - [[```f46e678e```](] __-__ __executor__: add device support (*Anish*)
 - [[```089b9342```](] __-__ __except__: move inherit from oserror to syserror (*Han Xiao*)

 - [[```9bb66209```](] __-__ __test__: move tests to unit_tests and activate integ test in ci (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```168ee8de```](] __-__ __ngt__: make ngt inherit from basenumpyindexer (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```1aeacb7f```](] __-__ fix based on the comments (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```a9aa4cb9```](] __-__ __drivers__: refactor extract_chunks (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```ac6175a7```](] __-__ __crafters__: io crafters should craft documents (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```29315644```](] __-__ __executor__: change imports (*Anish Pawar*)
 - [[```1b67d379```](] __-__ __indexer__: abstract rw ndarray from numpyindexer (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```505bacb4```](] __-__ __executor__: var name custom keras (*Anish*)

 - [[```c37a9c6e```](] __-__ __ci__: add codecov config file (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```00dd57ca```](] __-__ __readme__: add codecov badge in readme (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```d4e006d6```](] __-__ __readme__: promote tutorials heading (*Alex C-G*)
 - [[```caeb6268```](] __-__ __readme__: tweaks based on hans feedback (*Alex C-G*)
 - [[```7cd44a61```](] __-__ __101__: add link to explain basics of neural search (*Alex C-G*)
 - [[```f2f523e1```](] __-__ __io__: add shortcut to flow io (*hanxiao*)
 - [[```d5d23395```](] __-__ __readme__: improve russian readme (*Andrey Vasnetsov*)
 - [[```f18fcfe8```](] __-__ __contributing__: instructions for github association (*Morry Wang*)

 - [[```02d1d38d```](] __-__ __codecov__: add checkout action (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```74d51772```](] __-__ __test__: move codecov yaml to root (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```eedc59f5```](] __-__ __codecov__: avoid expiring (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```2a830fd5```](] __-__ __test__: test commit to see if report appears (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```892a5cbc```](] __-__ __codecov__: try to activate comment from codecov in prs (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```be8cd185```](] __-__ __coverage__: add codecov as a standaolone ci step (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```8968cbb3```](] __-__ __coverage__: switch to github actions (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```1588cfd2```](] __-__ __flow__: improved log server tests (*fhaase2*)
 - [[```6d2056f7```](] __-__ __crafters__: add tests for array bytes reader (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```54c12d16```](] __-__ __unittest__: change relative paths in tests (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```f3e74b23```](] __-__ __crafters__: fix missing parameter in image crafter test (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```249674d5```](] __-__ __audio__: add numba version extra dependency (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```ee84d174```](] __-__ use image built from pr in tests (*fhaase2*)
 - [[```868a8d10```](] __-__ __indexers__: adapt keyvalue test_leveldb (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```8b5dd603```](] __-__ __crafters__: adapt test file name to standard (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```cd2727e2```](] __-__ __unittest__: allow test discovery from unittest (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```b988e6e4```](] __-__ __executor__: add custom keras test (*Anish Pawar*)

 - [[```e2ba7998```](] __-__ update copyright header (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```976d90ff```](] __-__ fix github (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```04b9a416```](] __-__ __driver__: remove if clause for #640 (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```942dff64```](] __-__ __indexer__: change argsort by argpartition,avoid sorting full array (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```d1d4092b```](] __-__ __docs__: update TOC (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```169e9ce9```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.3.8 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```95a535e1```](] __-__ fix typo in readme (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```0245bcd9```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.3.7 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```3e6489de```](] __-__ hotfix fix resource warning (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```2afe3852```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.3.6 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```c4e07596```](] __-__ hotfix prep for new zmq feature (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```5a4195aa```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.3.5 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```7bff1f75```](] __-__ Merge pull request #615 from jina-ai/feat-uvloop (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```61d243f8```](] __-__ fix link (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```7bdea9c7```](] __-__ update readme gif banner (*BingHo1013*)
 - [[```19e0f3fa```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.3.4 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```29bbb28b```](] __-__ hotfix feature wrap indexer (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```9016b4d4```](] __-__ update readme gif (*BingHo1013*)
 - [[```80100ca2```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.3.3 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```60000083```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.3.2 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```0db4bd9f```](] __-__ hotfix publish driver (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```49de8711```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.3.1 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```4ceb5fde```](] __-__ hotfix password stdin (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```fb8a68fa```](] __-__ __version__: bumping version to 0.2.8 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```9ea6ca96```](] __-__ hotfix error catching (*Han Xiao*)
Assets 2