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 Jina Dev Bot,  Alex C-G,  Han Xiao,  Joan Fontanals,  Joan Fontanals Martinez,  🙇

 - [[```3df63a51```](] __-__ __readme__: remove broken example (*Alex C-G*)
 - [[```950e5ddc```](] __-__ __docker__: hub builder raise error (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```05636622```](] __-__ __docker__: prune images (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```9c021ffd```](] __-__ __hubio__: fix hub io build (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```996e7c09```](] __-__ go back to old sorting (*Joan Fontanals*)

 - [[```3e56652f```](] __-__ move TransformEncoder back to core (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)

 - [[```9097468c```](] __-__ add py38 back (*Han Xiao*)

 - [[```962aadec```](] __-__ __docs__: update TOC (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```489c552e```](] __-__ update contributors (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```39bc1155```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.4.16 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```61c57c16```](] __-__ update copyright header (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```36d4f952```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.4.12 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```cdd0d2bc```](] __-__ hotfix fix release (*Han Xiao*)
Assets 2