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 Han Xiao,  Alex C-G,  Nan Wang,  Joan Fontanals Martinez,  allcontributors[bot],  Jina Dev Bot,  Yue Liu,  JamesTang-jinaai,  Kavan72,  Joan Fontanals,  Anish Pawar,  Anish,  🙇

 - [[```35f088aa```](] __-__ contributors draft section (*Alex C-G*)
 - [[```e937a213```](] __-__ add test and refactor move axis (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```c54bc83e```](] __-__ add torch object detection model based crafter (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```bea5e465```](] __-__ __images__: add location info to sliding window (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```3c0faa75```](] __-__ __images__: add location to cropped chunks from images (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```01da5a9d```](] __-__ __executor__: add numeric random projection (*Anish*)
 - [[```5b71a693```](] __-__ __executor__: add numeric feature agglomeration (*Anish*)
 - [[```6ff80bb2```](] __-__ __executor__: add numeric tsne (*Anish*)

 - [[```ff5dba4c```](] __-__ __drivers__: improve the codes (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```09a7ff12```](] __-__ __drivers__: improve the fix (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```666d6d02```](] __-__ __tests__: fix the config (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```eb734790```](] __-__ __tests__: fix the wrong configs (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```2e793adc```](] __-__ __drivers__: fix the default value for depth_range (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```f3c73d8a```](] __-__ revert the changes on default value of depth_range (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```99c0500e```](] __-__ minor fix (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```d70467ff```](] __-__ update log level (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```55b18184```](] __-__ fix typo (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```40d97899```](] __-__ fix README (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```ab057fdb```](] __-__ __drivers__: add unit tests and fix the default value (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```f1c0b7df```](] __-__ add more unit tests (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```1de93469```](] __-__ add unit tests (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```465ae4a9```](] __-__ extract hidden state from last of outputs (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```2291d65f```](] __-__ encoders were extracting prob distrib over vocab (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```c0eabc7f```](] __-__ add a unit test (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```56dfda85```](] __-__ disable ci skipping (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```4bf81f15```](] __-__ __readme fr__: fix problem (*Yue Liu*)
 - [[```e1e42b90```](] __-__ __docs__: fix navigation bar hidden problem in docs (*JamesTang-jinaai*)
 - [[```4566e1e9```](] __-__ custom image encoders were broken by refactor (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```5bd44d07```](] __-__ contributors in correct section (*Alex C-G*)
 - [[```3a0d3464```](] __-__ __transformers__: add properly pad tokens and padding strategy (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```a6148354```](] __-__ fix eos token error from transformers (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```56e31ed8```](] __-__ test object detection check real image content (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```ebd91bdc```](] __-__ add missing section (*Alex C-G*)
 - [[```10ee9e6c```](] __-__ have url regex pattern compiled just once (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```3704670f```](] __-__ __request__: add one more condition to check doc is url or not (*Kavan72*)
 - [[```4a964a8a```](] __-__ __crafters__: fix crop dimension (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```0a629fcf```](] __-__ wording (*Alex C-G*)
 - [[```e6ea9ec4```](] __-__ set channel_axis 1 by default for tensorflow vision models (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```687b0960```](] __-__ fix test custom image encoders (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```572b5c52```](] __-__ fix customtfkeras (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```e34390a5```](] __-__ fix diamond problem from transformers (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```154f39ee```](] __-__ __flow__: join is an alias of needs (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```564ce47c```](] __-__ __transformers__: force padding to max length in all versions (*Joan Fontanals*)

 - [[```557a5f9e```](] __-__ move base_deps from setup to extra (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```91cdf248```](] __-__ simplify extra requirements tags (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```74ab1b01```](] __-__ move model_name init plus add post init super call (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```751f0307```](] __-__ turn devicehandler into mixins (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```27be7523```](] __-__ avoid baseframeworkexecutor to inherit baseexecutor (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```f2f2511e```](] __-__ change generator (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```139779ed```](] __-__ __images__: refactor image crafters, will add location (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```f60af7e2```](] __-__ __executor__: remove prints (*Anish Pawar*)
 - [[```10d9beaa```](] __-__ __executor__: remove redundant code (*Anish Pawar*)
 - [[```1407ee5c```](] __-__ __executor__: remove model init (*Anish*)
 - [[```462a64e2```](] __-__ __executor__: change import (*Anish*)

 - [[```5d130c81```](] __-__ __flow__: more wording, formatting (*Alex C-G*)
 - [[```ba241739```](] __-__ __flow__: wording, formatting (*Alex C-G*)
 - [[```80706cca```](] __-__ add @lingling as a contributor (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```abbba058```](] __-__ add docs about switching indexers (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```57bf6c74```](] __-__ add indexers at different depths (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```d75a3eed```](] __-__ add text segmentation + encoding pattern (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```69dc7bad```](] __-__ add vector + kv indexer pattern doc (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```a0bdc254```](] __-__ add docs about common jina practices (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```e5397997```](] __-__ update .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (*allcontributors[bot]*)
 - [[```e748831f```](] __-__ update [skip ci] (*allcontributors[bot]*)
 - [[```a31abeb7```](] __-__ __readme__: comment out hub links (*Yue Liu*)
 - [[```c3765f84```](] __-__ try to improve documentation on extra dependencies (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```932f6e24```](] __-__ create .all-contributorsrc [skip ci] (*allcontributors[bot]*)

 - [[```d580f815```](] __-__ remove py38 tests and add docs in path-ignore (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```8e1d1a38```](] __-__ skip ci if changes only affect README and allcontributorssrc (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```02b2cfd8```](] __-__ add test with mock for object detection (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```6de0d8f9```](] __-__ add tests with real images for object detection (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```51a16411```](] __-__ __request__: add request generator test (*Kavan72*)
 - [[```44b5df9e```](] __-__ rename test cases plus remove unittest framework (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```03fb3ab5```](] __-__ __executor__: add comment (*Anish Pawar*)
 - [[```6360ef5d```](] __-__ __executor__: add test new encoders (*Anish Pawar*)

 - [[```35c8df0f```](] __-__ hotfix fix release (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```2cf4255f```](] __-__ update cicd timeout (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```e45d0c2d```](] __-__ update contributors (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```8f8c3aa5```](] __-__ add contributors in bulk (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```61832587```](] __-__ Add @coolmian as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```5ca169e6```](] __-__ Add @Zenahr as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```5fde4edc```](] __-__ Add @tracy-propertyguru as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```b149a03c```](] __-__ Add @rutujasurve94 as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```1c4eaced```](] __-__ Add @rohan1chaudhari as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```8f7cdbda```](] __-__ Add @JamesTang616 as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```e3c7d0ab```](] __-__ Add @JamesTang-jinaai as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```a96ad8dc```](] __-__ Add @YikSanChan as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```bfad9599```](] __-__ Add @ericsyh as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```8e52a8ad```](] __-__ Add @emmaadesile as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```5ab0a59f```](] __-__ Add @generall as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```7edffb81```](] __-__ Add @roccia as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```47115335```](] __-__ Add @boussoffara as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```e14e2596```](] __-__ Add @Kavan72 as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```78b513a0```](] __-__ Add @phamtrancsek12 as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```5ba12f15```](] __-__ Add @festeh as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```2c62ade3```](] __-__ Add @Morriaty-The-Murderer as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```2c61d494```](] __-__ Add @joaopalotti as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```a5d4f3ed```](] __-__ Add @redram as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```d8246a68```](] __-__ Add @guiferviz as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```b72af5b4```](] __-__ Add @maanavshah as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```509bd39c```](] __-__ Add @BingHo1013 as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```0f158efc```](] __-__ Add @antonkurenkov as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```bf064b2c```](] __-__ Add @anish2197 as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```73ab717b```](] __-__ Add @allcontributors[bot] as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```0474c323```](] __-__ Add @YueLiu-jina as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```e56e2f21```](] __-__ Add @shivam-raj as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```cbf034c9```](] __-__ Add @policeme as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```f1028d89```](] __-__ Add @fhaase2 as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```f2ae772f```](] __-__ Add @alexcg1 as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```766690a3```](] __-__ Add @jina-bot as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```a89980a2```](] __-__ Add @JoanFM as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```44dee771```](] __-__ Add @nan-wang as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```8c82cf1d```](] __-__ Add @hanxiao  as a contributor (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```04b11a94```](] __-__ __docs__: update TOC (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```fcd9533c```](] __-__ add open governance (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```4a272baf```](] __-__ fix badge (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```b0a65462```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.4.6 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```b6d5ca60```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.4.5 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```3fcb9fba```](] __-__ update copyright header (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```c77f4241```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.4.4 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```9fd6685a```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.4.3 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```49de8711```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.3.1 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```4ceb5fde```](] __-__ hotfix password stdin (*Han Xiao*)
Assets 2