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 Han Xiao,  Jina Dev Bot,  Nan Wang,  rameshwara,  Deepankar Mahapatro,  Joan Fontanals Martinez,  Joan Fontanals,  Maximilian Werk,  maximilianwerk,  pswu11,  Alex C-G,  rutujasurve94,  Alasdair Tran,  Sreerag-ibtl,  hanxiao,  YueLiu-Jina,  🙇

 - [[```9b1c0619```](] __-__ add type annotations in jina executors children (#966) (*rameshwara*)
 - [[```f60fc7c1```](] __-__ add type annotations in jina executors (#963) (*rameshwara*)
 - [[```107ef985```](] __-__ add type annotations to jina drivers (#962) (*rameshwara*)
 - [[```fc8d81af```](] __-__ __indexer__: add memmap numpy indexer (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```7f77e893```](] __-__ base ranker should not remove meta information anymore (*maximilianwerk*)
 - [[```91800bb6```](] __-__ set name of driver (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```88c1bc4c```](] __-__ __bookkeeping__: fixing push flow, file read issues (*Deepankar Mahapatro*)
 - [[```d25afa3d```](] __-__ __bookkeeping__: fixing pep8 issues & simpler checking of env vars (*Deepankar Mahapatro*)
 - [[```b2883664```](] __-__ __bookkeeping__: fixing test failure & unindented comment in file (*Deepankar Mahapatro*)
 - [[```309be652```](] __-__ __bookkeeping__: added pymongo to extra-req (*Deepankar Mahapatro*)
 - [[```2e985afa```](] __-__ __bookkeeping__: changed hub push flows (*Deepankar Mahapatro*)
 - [[```392aba2a```](] __-__ __bookkeeping__: added mongodbhandler (*Deepankar Mahapatro*)
 - [[```fead7bfa```](] __-__ add capacity to use querylang with tags in protobuf document (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```f611c1b9```](] __-__ added Matches2DocRankDriver (*Maximilian Werk*)
 - [[```ae74d32a```](] __-__ add adjacency range (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```40a90434```](] __-__ adding jina hub new to contributing readme (*rutujasurve94*)
 - [[```6e22e16e```](] __-__ add unit test for hub new (*rutujasurve94*)
 - [[```f20c401f```](] __-__ cli for creating Jina app using cookiecutter (*rutujasurve94*)
 - [[```236ae37f```](] __-__ __driver__: add fill_embedding in index driver (*Han Xiao*)

 - [[```c5e30557```](] __-__ __helper__: fix multiple helper functions (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```e6f0ff5b```](] __-__ __import__: fix module import for different usages (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```77b59e35```](] __-__ issue with hyphen in random name and raise_error (*Deepankar Mahapatro*)
 - [[```ffcb6ed5```](] __-__ __hubio__: fix name conflict in test-uses of hubio (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```f6a7c2be```](] __-__ set start_sse_server daemon to True (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```edde5864```](] __-__ shutdown if exception (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```7820c1ca```](] __-__ shutdown sse server after Peas are closed (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```2a1378d8```](] __-__ adapt close to ContainerPea (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```f2b1dac1```](] __-__ change issue test folder name (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```1a390252```](] __-__ __docs__: fix docs for metas (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```8c33aa21```](] __-__ __hello-world__: respect topk from argparser (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```f7a5df9c```](] __-__ docstring (*Maximilian Werk*)
 - [[```7eeb89f0```](] __-__ hello world is even prettier (*Maximilian Werk*)
 - [[```6a0d11a4```](] __-__ hello world working again (*Maximilian Werk*)
 - [[```fba1fb46```](] __-__ unit tests running again (*Maximilian Werk*)
 - [[```401d46c1```](] __-__ adapt unit test (*Maximilian Werk*)
 - [[```64699dc0```](] __-__ removed double calling for root node (*maximilianwerk*)
 - [[```8b39a80b```](] __-__ add recur_on param back (#944) (*Joan Fontanals*)
 - [[```54eaee14```](] __-__ traversing adjacency graph for multiple query chunks (*maximilianwerk*)
 - [[```fb88d1e2```](] __-__ __io-functions__: wording (*Alex C-G*)
 - [[```ac25eb4d```](] __-__ set higher priority integrated in test yaml driver (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```540e9ac7```](] __-__ set priority and driver name in queryset for top_k (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```17281b57```](] __-__ set request top_k, needed to be read by jinabox (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```fca29ce8```](] __-__ added better way to write the manifest (*Deepankar Mahapatro*)
 - [[```c2f06a56```](] __-__ changed order of variable init (*Deepankar Mahapatro*)
 - [[```5798b385```](] __-__ fixed host_info depending on args (*Deepankar Mahapatro*)
 - [[```57b970d1```](] __-__ updated logic to insert/replace doc in mongo (*Deepankar Mahapatro*)
 - [[```84657bef```](] __-__ adding host-info arg to hub build cli (*Deepankar Mahapatro*)
 - [[```3220696b```](] __-__ add additonal params to build summary (*Deepankar Mahapatro*)
 - [[```9c8066fe```](] __-__ __hubio__: fix tempfile naming (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```c60bdd8d```](] __-__ keep text, blob and buffer after vectorsearch (*maximilianwerk*)
 - [[```eeb533ee```](] __-__ moving hub new template readme to cookiecutter (*rutujasurve94*)
 - [[```cacee68a```](] __-__ change naming recur_*_range to *_range (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```d31ccd9b```](] __-__ __flow__: remove redundant update_args (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```886d1eb4```](] __-__ fix traverse adjacency (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```5b335c1b```](] __-__ revert back change in driver search (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```4ccedb7a```](] __-__ __cli__: fix overriding of flow args (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```ee43b626```](] __-__ removing test for hub new cli, better readability (*rutujasurve94*)
 - [[```20315710```](] __-__ granularity instead of level_depth (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```2b3316b5```](] __-__ proper access to start and end ranges (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```c56ecdc2```](] __-__ __api__: change uses to yaml_path (*Alasdair Tran*)
 - [[```17a6e032```](] __-__ add test specific arg for jina hub new (*rutujasurve94*)
 - [[```c82c93ef```](] __-__ changes for jina hub cli (*rutujasurve94*)

 - [[```056020f1```](] __-__ avoid pass when handling exception (*Joan Fontanals*)
 - [[```0a96d108```](] __-__ change error message if interrupting pea loop (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```7ec6720b```](] __-__ __helper__: replace np.take with handcraft slicing (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```45d43c48```](] __-__ better readability of function (*Maximilian Werk*)
 - [[```ac8fd239```](] __-__ __helper__: improve mem usage function (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```39710a9a```](] __-__ properly set recur_ranges (*Joan Fontanals*)
 - [[```7d88790e```](] __-__ __pod__: add uses-before and after (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```dce0660b```](] __-__ __cli__: rename yaml-path in flow to uses (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```361be3dc```](] __-__ remove recur_on and recur_range from everywhere (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```67cde7f7```](] __-__ __helper__: add search path to the load_config (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```b67eaa2b```](] __-__ __helper__: refactor local_config_source logic (*Han Xiao*)

 - [[```28d7ffc3```](] __-__ __indexer__: add docs for numpy indexer (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```c23b98aa```](] __-__ __io-functions__: improve minor wording (*pswu11*)
 - [[```02c948c7```](] __-__ correct syntax issue in helloworld (*Sreerag-ibtl*)
 - [[```aa712fa9```](] __-__ __yaml__: change doc for driver syntex (*YueLiu-Jina*)

 - [[```0d2462b4```](] __-__ fix #975 (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```747a3e0c```](] __-__ fix (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```23035a86```](] __-__ __drivers__: add tests for illustrating the issues (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```ac7fad0e```](] __-__ pause auto release on friday (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```a922b31c```](] __-__ add slack push notification (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```86419f82```](] __-__ fix integration test (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```1de95d65```](] __-__ refactor flow test with pytest format (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```6cf16e61```](] __-__ full testing of traversal (*Maximilian Werk*)
 - [[```22ae6dfc```](] __-__ added tests for showcasing traversal (*Maximilian Werk*)
 - [[```c0c9c8a4```](] __-__ use pytest parametrize for subtest (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```6f8a902f```](] __-__ adding manifest_version to test ymls (*Deepankar Mahapatro*)
 - [[```5699bbf2```](] __-__ added unit test for summary file (*Deepankar Mahapatro*)
 - [[```5f8e0574```](] __-__ add test to filterql with tags content (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```92b6ec55```](] __-__ add good testing for executors decorator (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```42da3d78```](] __-__ add test to show access matches of chunks (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```49bfcab3```](] __-__ adapt test_higher_order_matches test (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```fcfa1fb9```](] __-__ adapt test (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```89df5427```](] __-__ fix (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```5b0537b6```](] __-__ adapt test_flow_multimode (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```c0b0b1a5```](] __-__ adapt some more tests (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```0fb91578```](] __-__ __flow__: add unit test to cover #924 (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```a0f514f8```](] __-__ fix some tests (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```5243989a```](] __-__ adapt test_reduce_all_driver (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```aa78643f```](] __-__ refactor and (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```6be4f1ef```](] __-__ add mock to extra requirements (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```85f61acc```](] __-__ improve issue 867 testing (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```10f2f652```](] __-__ move high order match to integrated tests (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```46083fec```](] __-__ move toc after contributors gen (*Han Xiao*)

 - [[```5e4a7f26```](] __-__ hotfix resume release (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```2227db23```](] __-__ update contributors (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```48fb18ef```](] __-__ __hub__: update hub to latest (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```e1459ab5```](] __-__ Add type annotations in jina/clients (#957) (*rameshwara*)
 - [[```5a01b764```](] __-__ __docs__: update TOC (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```d828850e```](] __-__ update copyright header (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```3ae7d560```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.5.6 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```a238e0be```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.5.5 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```bb6b8e4a```](] __-__ change depth_range for granularity_range (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```a2c3cf94```](] __-__ proper styling and add params to docstring (*Joan Fontanals Martinez*)
 - [[```ec2f1737```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.5.4 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```08ef4026```](] __-__ hotfix add daemon (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```abc83c7c```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.5.3 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```29b85811```](] __-__ hotfix release (*hanxiao*)
 - [[```36c7257e```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.5.1 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```47cfb89e```](] __-__ hotfix release v0.5.0 (*Han Xiao*)
Assets 2