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 Jina Dev Bot,  Han Xiao,  Fernanda Kawasaki,  Pratik Bhavsar,  Wang Bo,  Joan Fontanals,  Nan Wang,  Sergei Averkiev,  🙇

 - [[```95e83787```](] __-__ __driver__: add collect evaluation driver (#1100) (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```a8c564c0```](] __-__ __flow__: inspect pods are collected before gateway (#1099) (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```6754eefd```](] __-__ potentially add argument of ordered indexes from batch (#1089) (*Joan Fontanals*)
 - [[```d10802ce```](] __-__ __flow__: inspect without introducing side-effect on socket (#1092) (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```a3238b67```](] __-__ __flow__: add eval() interface generates hanging pod (*Han Xiao*)

 - [[```067e8e46```](] __-__ fix the driver queryset (#1080) (*Nan Wang*)
 - [[```0c7420f6```](] __-__ fix hanging test (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```3b47953d```](] __-__ __flow__: fix flow builder and plotter (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```cd465ee4```](] __-__ remove whitelist (#1076) (*Joan Fontanals*)

 - [[```8ee6707b```](] __-__ __eval__: remove evaluate flow (#1090) (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```5917a0b2```](] __-__ __cache__: add BaseCache (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```6b7d39ed```](] __-__ __flow__: write set_last_pod as property (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```3c99b1e3```](] __-__ __evaluator__: rename, style and format (*Han Xiao*)

 - [[```54905974```](] __-__ add portuguese translation for readme (#1097) (*Fernanda Kawasaki*)
 - [[```63795312```](] __-__ update russian readme (#1057) (*Sergei Averkiev*)

 - [[```c72180af```](] __-__ just for testing a PR (#1104) (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```f17eb872```](] __-__ just for testing a PR (#1103) (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```088d5ba8```](] __-__ replace match-py-ver to devel (#1101) (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```cef0866f```](] __-__ add test job for examples in cd (*Pratik Bhavsar*)
 - [[```7ac0832c```](] __-__ refactor python client test (#1095) (*Wang Bo*)
 - [[```e05a3941```](] __-__ refactor remote test (#1083) (*Wang Bo*)

 - [[```8063a52a```](] __-__ update contributors (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```8a0ce3f0```](] __-__ __docs__: update TOC (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```efe78e00```](] __-__ fix typo (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```2ad19fdd```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.6.8 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
Assets 2