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 Han Xiao,  Jina Dev Bot,  Deepam Patel,  Florian Hönicke,  Yannic Kilcher,  Joan Fontanals,  Wang Bo,  Tadej Svetina,  Rutuja Surve,  florian-hoenicke,  🙇

 - [[```4a2c7445```](] __-__ add batching support for rankers (#1467) (*Deepam Patel*)
 - [[```3fe2145c```](] __-__ index drivers update and delete (#1460) (*Florian Hönicke*)
 - [[```8dff6735```](] __-__ revert pathlib changes (#1556) (*Wang Bo*)
 - [[```94ace99e```](] __-__ document set dundermethod add and iadd (#1555) (*florian-hoenicke*)

 - [[```ead64230```](] __-__ flaky test (#1564) (*Florian Hönicke*)
 - [[```5401088a```](] __-__ fixes CORS behavior for REST API (#1568) (*Yannic Kilcher*)
 - [[```afbc44ee```](] __-__ fix visualization in notebook (#1562) (*Joan Fontanals*)
 - [[```2ad570bc```](] __-__ test hub usage github token (#1560) (*Rutuja Surve*)
 - [[```2425e4c4```](] __-__ crud alternative quick fix (#1557) (*Joan Fontanals*)

 - [[```fca8e16b```](] __-__ remove encoders helper module (#1563) (*Tadej Svetina*)

 - [[```ad0d8db5```](] __-__ versioning docs (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```c3ca113f```](] __-__ versioning docs another try (*Han Xiao*)

 - [[```2fc26b74```](] __-__ clean up driver test (#1559) (*Wang Bo*)

 - [[```9f68277d```](] __-__ hotfix release (*Han Xiao*)
 - [[```33dc2674```](] __-__ __contributor__: update contributors (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```db7a36a4```](] __-__ mock wrapper does not call validation function  #1535 (#1536) (*florian-hoenicke*)
 - [[```0c1047e1```](] __-__ __docs__: update TOC (*Jina Dev Bot*)
 - [[```7b54f311```](] __-__ __version__: the next version will be 0.8.17 (*Jina Dev Bot*)
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