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铺积极如果你真的想你的书出售。Shop aggressively if you really want your book to sell.

她们努力工作,怒气冲冲,连打扮都充满攻击性。They worked hard, raged hard and accessorized aggressively.

愚蠢的人自负的,妄自尊大的,愚蠢的或过分自信的笨蛋。A vain, self-important, silly, or aggressively stupid person.

当然如果冒进推动这种变革,同时存在很大风险。But there are big risks, too, in aggressively pushing change.

另外,Frankfort先生已经做好了进军中国市场。In addition, Mr. Frankfort is pushing aggressively into China.

但是通过积极地将子查询重写成连接的形式,可以缓解这一问题。This is alleviated by aggressively rewriting subqueries as joins.

要打出有攻击性的削球需要有很优秀的技巧。It takes excellent technical skills to play back a slice aggressively.

珍珠港事件爆发,日寇的气焰更加嚣张。The flames of Pearl Harbor, the Japanese aggressors more aggressively.

不管怎样,在微软,我们正在大举进军这个领域。Anyway, at Microsoft, we're investing aggressively across the spectrum.

在国内,我们正在大刀阔斧地努力稳定我们的金融体制。At home, we are working aggressively to stabilize our financial system.

在2006年斐济政变之后,中国在斐济变得更具攻击性。After the 2006 coup China appeared to come in quite aggressively in Fiji.

无论针对哪些目标,这些赤裸裸的侵略行为都是错误的。These nakedly, aggressively criminal acts are wrong no matter the target.

坎德勒积极宣传可口可乐公司在报纸和广告牌。Candler aggressively advertised Coca-Cola in newspapers and on billboards.

谷歌当时迫切需要采取行动,在专利诉讼中自保。Google needed to move aggressively to protect itself from patent litigation.

皇协军以银元和食物做诱饵大肆招兵。Huang association army with silver and food do bait aggressively recruiting.

他们被烟草行业锁定为目标,逐渐侵蚀。They're aggressively targeted at as customers by the tabacco tobacco industry.

没有真正地大力推行全民因特网教育。by not really aggressively educating all of its population about the internet.

黎敦在积极面对在布里斯班公共事件女士吉拉德。Mr Latham aggressively confronted Ms Gillard during a public event in Brisbane.

我们必须积极地应对这种不实言论,使公众消除对天然石的疑虑。We must aggressively fight the unfounded fear mongering to reassure the public.

从容不迫的举止比咄咄逼人的态度更能让人折服。It is more convincing to behave calmly and unhurriedly than to air aggressively.