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我们有咖啡和黄油吗?Do we have any coffee or butte ?

夫人,你家是在布特,是吗?And is your home in Butte , ma'am?

我们在一个小山丘的草丛里隐蔽着。We hid in a small brush on top of a butte.

充足稳定的实验蝴蝶难以获得,是目前研究蝴蝶滞育的一个难点。One of the difficulties of the study in diapause is how to get enough butte flies.

我想我的丈夫约翰会在布特车站等着我。I expect my husband, John, will be waiting for me at the station in Butte , though.

在大峡谷国家公园里,科罗拉多河的一个弯道马蹄铁形地围绕着砂岩孤丘。A bend in the Colorado River horseshoes around a sandstone butte in Grand Canyon National Park.

这座孤山坐落在北亚利桑那,漂亮的岩石令我神魂颠倒。I was blown away by the effect of the Earth's shadow beyond this butte located in northern Arizona.

红十字会在特拉基设置了一座200张床位的避难所。在标特郡也设置了避难所。The Red Cross set up a 200-bed shelter in Truckee for stranded motorists, as well as a shelter in Butte County.

你知道,父亲想把我送到蒙大拿,我们不想去那,是吧?See, father will want to send me to Larrabee Copper in Butte, Montana, and we don't want to go Butte Montana, do we?

但是,位于美国加州奥洛维尔市巴特学院的学生走得更远,他们建造了巨大的太阳能电池阵列,靠着中央大峡谷的充沛阳光自给自足。But the students at Butte College in Oroville, California, will go a lot further, thanks to the Central Valley sunshine.

名单如下涡轮道具和私人飞机是根据在外地或灰色尤特接近灰色尤特场。The following list of turbo props and private jets are either based at Gray Butte Field or in close proximity to Gray Butte Field.

我们支付的费用包括骑马、每日三餐、娱乐和到蒙大拿巴特飞机场的往返交通费。The price we paid includes horse riding, three meals a day, entertainment and transportation to and from the airport in Butte , Montana.

黛利拉急于要见到妹妹,只要可能,火车一进站,她就会从巴特继续前行。Anxious to see her sister, Delilah would be continuing on from Butte as soon as the train pulled into station, if that was at all possible.

飞行员今年65岁,有多年飞行经验,曾两次要求从波兹曼改道布特但没有提供理由,两次均获盐湖城飞行管制人员批准。The single pilot requested twice to divert to Butte from Bozeman, without giving a reason, and both times the Salt Lake City flight controller approved the change, Rosenker told a news conference.