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在朝臣服从国王的命令,在殷勤的方式进行。The courtier obeyed the king's orders in a complaisant manner.

我觉得最理想的头发应该像丝绸一样的柔顺闪亮。I feel optimal hair should resemble silk cloth same complaisant and ablaze.

产品带来前所未有的柔顺感,呵护你的干性和敏感型发质。The product brings unprecedented complaisant sense, the feeling of drying He Min that caresses you hair is qualitative.

一个贵格会的传道人,在更殷勤有礼的马里兰殖民地旅行时,遇到了一群年轻人在欢快的跳舞。A Quaker preacher, traveling in the more complaisant colony of Maryland, came upon a party of young people who were dancing merrily together.

柔顺含羞的形象的确可以让男人展示强势的一面,但故作矜持也会让他欲望尽失。The figure of complaisant bashfully can let a man show strong one side really, but pretend to be missish also can let his desire all be broken.

道理倒是不错,但也有不同,护理肌肤是为了让肌肤更加坚强,而护理头发则是为了让头发更加柔顺。The truth is pretty good, but also have different, nurse skin is to make skin more firm, and nurse the hair is to make a hair more complaisant.

胡森,成为一个新加入者,根据习俗,对待所有他附近的商人非常礼貌和殷勤。He took the name of Cogia Houssain, and, as a new-comer, was, according to custom, extremely civil and complaisant to all the merchants his neighbours.

假如坚持天天洗头后在头发上抹点润发露,即能令头发更有光泽、柔顺且易梳理。If hold to, bit of embellish is wiped to deliver syrup on the hair after shampoo everyday, can make namely hair more luster, complaisant and easy comb.

但是,在经过悉心照料后,现在我的发质已经有了很大的改善,比起以前柔顺多了,也越来越好打理。But, after the course attends wholeheartedly, my hair had had very big improvement character now, compared with much more complaisant before, better and better also do.

林嘉欣属于气质甜美型的美女,短发让她看上去像个假小子,柔顺的直发更能衬托出她的甜美清秀!Lin Jiaxin belongs to temperament melting model belle, bingle lets her look resemble a false boy, complaisant straight hair can foil more those who give her is melting and comely!

将发胶和发乳混合后抹在湿发上,能去掉发卷,再在干后的头发上喷上定型水,增加柔顺度和光泽度。After mixing fixature and hair breast, wipe go up in wet hair, can take out hair curls, finalize the design on the gush on the hair after work again water, increase complaisant spend and glossiness.