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一些人还会带上山萸。Some will carry a spray of dogwood.

茱萸是一种草,它细细长长的,又是绿油油的。Dogwood dis a grass, it be long, it is green.

于是,他从山茱萸跑向盛开的桃花。So he raced from dogwood to blossoming peach.

淡山茱萸粉添加了女性能量。Pale Dogwood increases feminine energy in the air.

闲听竹枝曲,浅酌茱萸杯。I listen to the song poem, drinking cup of dogwood.

山茱萸的蓓蕾,淡绿清雅,点缀着褐色斑痕。The dogwood bud , pale green is inlaid with russet markings.

山茱萸嫩绿色的花蕾镶嵌上了红褐色的印迹。The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings.

山茱萸发芽了,在红褐色的土壤下衬出淡淡的绿意。The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings.

汽车穿过密密匝匝的山茱萸,顺着一条蜿蜒的道路盘旋而上。The car climbed a twisting stretch of road through solid dogwood.

有几棵树混杂在自然的背景之中,我想那是山茱树吧。Mixed in among the natural setting are a few trees I think are dogwood.

淡山茱萸粉这一微妙的粉色并不显眼,但它使人散发出温柔、健康的气息。The unobtrusive Pale Dogwood is a subtle pink whose soft touch infuses a healthy glow.

拖到绘图页后,可以添加落叶类树,如枫、橡木、榆树、茱萸或苹果树。Drag onto the page to add a deciduous tree style, such as maple, oak, elm, dogwood , or apple.

我计划死后裸身埋在一个浅浅的坑里,变成一株山茱萸的肥料。When I die, I plan to be place an nature in a shallow hole and become fertilizer for a dogwood tree.

剪枝最好在晚春时节休眠期进行,这样可以使得山茱萸切口完整。Prune in the dormant season --- pruning in late spring could create an entry point for dogwood borers.

山茱萸树,例如,是因为他们在白色或粉红色的花朵在春天一些地区流行的观赏性。Dogwood trees, for example, are a popular ornamental in some areas because of their white or pink blooms in the spring.

例如,山茱萸在一些地方是很受欢迎的观赏植物,因为它们在春季会开出白色或粉红色的花。Dogwood trees, for example, are a popular ornamental in some areas because of their white or pink blooms in the spring.

淡山茱萸粉也是一种让人平静的颜色,它是一种安静祥和的粉色,给人以纯真无瑕的感觉。Continuing the tranquil mood, Pale Dogwood is a quiet and peaceful pink shade that engenders an aura of innocence and purity.

应用氢化考的松所致的肾阳虚动物模型,观察山茱萸水溶物对肾阳虚大鼠的影响。The effect of the water extract of Dogwood fruits on rats model of kidney-yang deficiency with the hydrocortisone was observed.

长满草的大草原被漆树和山茱萸灌木点缀着,它们被鸟类和小动物视为最佳的栖息地。The grassy prairie landscape is dotted with shrub thickets of sumac and dogwood , which are favored by birds and small animals.

外面,阳光明媚,鸟儿啁啾,山茱萸树正待开花。Today is not one of those days. Outside, the sun is shining, birds are chirping and the dogwood tree is getting ready to bloom.