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新娘和新郎。Bride and groom.

但这位新娘没有新郎。But there is no groom.

而新郎则有伴郎。The groom has groomsmen.

他们今天是新娘和新郎。They're the Bride and Groom.

他正和新郎怄气呢!He is very angry with the groom.

忘了新娘和新郎吧。Forget about the bride and groom.

大伙向新娘新郎敬酒。Mazel tov to the bride and groom.

让我们为新郎新娘干杯。Let's drink to the bride and groom.

现在我举杯向新郎新娘祝贺。I now give the toast to bride and groom.

真的吗?她好福气!新郎是谁呢?Really? Lucky for her ! Who's the groom?

新郎则穿戴一套正式的西装或无尾晚号衣。The groom wears a formal suit or tuxedo.

新娘和新郎是天作之合的一对。The bride and groom made a lovely couple.

而新郎则要从侧门进入教堂。The groom enters the church from a side door.

“卫兵”们分列两行,向新郎致意。The groom walks between two rows of guardsmen.

但这位新娘没有新郎。陈将嫁给自己。But there is no groom. Chen will marry herself.

气力以及自在就如同新娘以及新郎官的联合…Power and ease are united like bride and groom.

新郎新娘般你我如此接近…We were as close together as a bride and groom.

帮我把这些马洗刷干净,好让它们参加今晚的演出。Help me to groom the horses for the show tonight.

提供新郎高及腰封衬衫、襟花。Waist cummerbund, shirt and boutonnieres for groom.

他的马悲哀地嘶叫着,马夫也回头望着楚国叹气。His horse neighed and his groom looked back at Ch'u.