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温和的偏南风。Moderate southerly winds.

这个小伙子中等个头儿。The fella has a moderate stature.

控制你的评论和论坛。Moderate your comments and forums.

他得改改脾气了。He must learn to moderate his temper.

吹和缓东至东北风。Moderate east to northeasterly winds.

适度锻炼有助于消化。Moderate exercise subserves digestion.

中等色度至较淡的蓝色,或淡紫蓝色。A moderate to pale blue or purplish blue.

以不汇长尾为耻,以适度长尾为荣。To the long tail and tail, with a moderate.

很容易把它建造成中等尺寸。It is simple to construct in moderate sizes.

这个图书馆的藏书量处于中等。This library has a moderate number of books.

腿部和腹部的羽状饰毛适中。Feathering on the legs and belly is moderate.

我们应保持陆海军的适度规模。Our land and naval forces should be moderate.

另外,两个项目有中性性别差异。And there were two items showing moderate DIF.

他是一个有着温和观点性情随和的人。Hewas an easygoing man of very moderate views.

我丈夫通常说话慢声慢气。Mu husband usually speaks at a moderate speed.

其他地区有小雨到中雨。Other parts will suffer moderate to light rain.

反坦克和巴掌,中度愈合密集。Tank and Spank, moderate healing intensiveness.

这一个伪装为真实的,温和的思想。This one masquerades as real, moderate thought.

被毛中等长度,粗硬。He has a coat of moderate length and coarseness.

绿豆一大碗、冰糖适量。A large bowl of mungbean, crystal sugar moderate.