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一切都是装假的。Just as phony as it can be.

小张真是个骗子。Xiao Zhang is a plain phony.

利用你的魅力,但是不要成为假冒伪劣产品。Use your charm, but don't be phony.

没有人能够假造像这样的一份清单。No one could phony a list like that.

她的信里有一种虚情假意的口气。There's a phony note in her letters.

他像三元钞票那么虚假。He's as phony as a three-dollar bill.

我一直都很讨厌像他那样的骗子。I always hate phony people like that.

他们在那虚假的股票交易中遭受损失。They were burned by the phony stock deal.

被限制在全国性播放歌单里的假模假式的DJ?A phony DJ trapped in a national playlist?

那个柜子打不开,是假的。That cupboard does not open, it’s a phony.

我不知道那份假的报销单。I don't know how that phony expense report.

不要作一个虚情假意的人,很虚伪地对待你的老师。Don't be a suck-up and be phony to your teacher.

奥巴马的出生证明有更多的假货。That's more phony that 0bama's birth certificate.

他的朋友厌烦了他虚伪的做作。His friends were tired of all his phony dramatics.

我给了警察一个假名和一个假地址。I gave the police a phony name and a phony address.

一部用来拉皮条的史诗,充斥着自我优越感和虚假造作。A pandering epic that's as phony as it is condescending.

他是个骗子。我一直都很讨厌像他那样的骗子。He were a fake. I sll the time hate phony people love these.

这几张百元大钞竟然是假的。Surprisingly, several of the 100 Yuan bank notes were phony.

我们只是被微笑所吸引,而另一人也许从中看到了虚情假意。We're drawn to the smile, when another might have seen the phony.

你也许会认为制造假美钞很容易。You might think that it would be easy to make a phony dollar bill.