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脉石矿物主要是石英。Gangue mineral is primarily quartz.

土质为肥沃的粘土。The soils are primarily silty loam.

我主要用它作为护脚霜。I use this primarily as a foot cream.

主要是宗教冲突呢?Is it primarily a religious conflict?

本症以呕吐为主症。This sickness vomits primarily sickness.

金头狮狨主要生活在树上。Golden lions live primarily in the trees.

主要地,这些人都不享有福利。These are not primarily people o n welfare.

它们主要通过脚底来排汗。They sweat primarily through their footpads.

当然可以。北戴河主要是一个海滨度假胜地。Sure. Beidaihe is primarily a seaside resort.

任何要紧成分为铁的金属。Any meting that is primarily composed of iron.

其轨迹主要是由东向西!The trajectory is primarily from east to west!

但我的专业主要是在西方心理学上。But my train primarily is in western psychology.

他一身兼有多种身份,但主要先是位将军。He was many things, but he was primarily a general.

本使用者主要活跃于英文维基。This user is primarily active on English Wikipedia.

但是Jaquith认为安全性更可能是“影响因素”之一而非“决定因素”,他相信制片商最终选择Blu-ray主要是基于硬件和软件的原因。Blu-ray primarily for hardware and software reasons.

在过去的20年�,我主要使用莱卡相机。For two decades I used primarily Leica rangefinders.

XNA主要用来写一些高性能的游戏。XNA is primarily for writing high-performance games.

目前「东风」以木管乐五重奏为主。Eastern Winds appear primarily as a woodwind quintet.

这些主要集中在字体及图形光栅部分。This is primarily in font and graphics rasterization.

对于开发商来说,重置成本是一个根本性问题。Replacement cost is primarily an issue for developers.