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没有,没有,”他有些恼火,回答得很简捷。No, no! he responded shortly and somewhat testily.

西瓦恼火地指责帕莱欺骗了他。West tile testily accused the act of parliament had lied to him.

“我再说一遍,我对这事一无所知,先生,”老人烦躁地说。I repeat I know nothing about it, sir, " the elder said testily."

“着什么急”猪不耐烦地说,“对你来说,是一个贡献,对我来说,这是一个完全的献身。”"Not so fast, " said the pig testily. "For you, that's a contribution. For me, it's a total commitment. "

“着什么急”猪不耐烦地说,“对你来说,是一个贡献,对我来说,这是一个完全的献身。”"Not so fast, " said the pig testily 2. "For you, that's a contribution. For me, it's a total commitment. "

伊朗国家新闻社对此反应非常强烈,称“爱丽舍宫的新主人正试图效仿白宫的做法”。Iran's state-controlled news agency replied testily that "the new occupants of the Elysée want to copy the White House".

对白宫关于克里米亚的言论,俄罗斯外长做出恼怒的回应,表示“我们不会交还我们本国的领土”。Russia's foreign ministry responded testily to the White House's Crimea comments that "we don't give back our own territory".

在一吐心中愤闷后,他不耐烦地问道,我的交易系统这段时间在黄豆市场的表现如何?Having gotten his grim confession off his chest, he asked, rather testily , what my trading system had done in beans over the period.

在旧金山的一次业界会议上,当我问到微软为什么在互联网业务如此难堪时,一个微软主管反应十分激烈。A different Microsoft executive responded testily when approached at an industry event in San Francisco with the query that is the headline of this article.

由于漫画中的通勤飞机正往下栽,那位胖乘客烦躁地拒绝承认自己向航空公司隐瞒体重所应负的责任。As the commuter plane in the cartoon plunges downward, the fat passenger testily refuses to acknowledge her guilt in misleading the airline about her weight.

多年来,中国政府官员愤怒地不去理会外界对中国游泳选手和马俊仁率领的“马家军”长跑队员的猜疑。For years, Beijing officials testily shrugged aside the suspicions over the performances of its swimmers and of members of the "Ma Family Army" distance team run by coach Ma Junren.