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你相信这个混沌的状态?Do you believe in unlikelihood ?

其实,说百度好未必有用,应该说没有一点用。Actually, say Baidu good unlikelihood is used, should say to was not used.

我想,此商机至今仍未必有人发现。I think, this business chance up to now still unlikelihood person discovery.

今天早些时候,我报道过下一部蝙蝠侠电影不大可能有3D版本。Earlier today I reported on the unlikelihood that the next Batman movie will be in 3D.

问题是交易麦迪看起来并不能带来等价的回报。The problem with trading McGrady is the unlikelihood of getting equal value in return.

他说,他保证他的人身保险的政策,包括那些不可能。He went on to say he's making sure he has a life insurance policy to cover that unlikelihood.

所以,收视率高的电视剧未必有大量年轻观众拥趸。So, a large number of young audiences embrace the teleplay unlikelihood with high viewing rate wholesale.

在小样本或者模型误差分布不明确的情况下,该方法存在统计推断不可信问题。In the ease of small sample or indefinite error distribution , there is a problem of unlikelihood of statistical referrer.

允淑讯问为何祈道要协助仁淑,祈道通知她,一切都只是由于怜惜。Acceptable unlikelihood accomplishment interrogation why RenShu, imperative ways to help inform her all the way, only because pity.

这是有史以来最大的搜救工作,但已有国家撤出,找到生还者的希望正在消减。This is the largest rescue operation ever undertaken, but already some countries are pulling out, the unlikelihood of finding people alive diminishes.

无论从人类睡眠的普遍规律,还是从实验研究的结果看,梦感与失眠未必有必然的联系。No matter from the mankindMorpheuscommon law, the result that still studies from the experiment looks, dream feeling and insomnious unlikelihood are contacted necessarily.