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一个细胞表面有多个球菌的概念性视图。A conceptual visualisation of multiple coccus bacteria on a cellular surface

我现在在听33天的可视化自我催眠的CD。I have been listening to a visualisation self hypnosis CD every single day for 33 days now.

这样的灵机一动,却把数据视觉化这一新兴领域呈现给了主流受众。It was an instant hit—and brought the nascent field of data visualisation to a mainstream audience.

因此我重制这张圣像加上印文以酬谢他的慈恩,以便我更好的观想。So I have recomposed this holy image with seals to repay His kindness and for my better visualisation.

我因此非常高兴,因为这说明自我催眠中的想象真的对我起作用了。I am really happy about that, because it shows that the visualisation during self hypnosis really affects me.

阿贡国家实验室的超级计算机清晰地呈现超新星这种超大质量恒星短暂暴力死亡的过程。This Argonne supercomputer visualisation shows the mechanism behind the violent death of a short-lived, massive star.

当数据可视图的作者想告诉你展示的数据或信息的来源时,这些来源信息也会显示出来。When visualisers want to show you wher the data or information comes from, they will include it in the visualisation.

塞尔夫博士希望最终可以实现将人们对梦境的记忆同他们大脑活动的电子影像进行对照。Dr Cerf hopes to eventually compare people's memories of their dreams with an electronic visualisation of their brain activity.

体绘制技术是一种能够准确反映出数据内部信息的可视化技术。The technique of volume rendering is a kind of volume visualisation technique, which can reflect the inside information of the data.

因此我重制这张圣像加上印文以酬谢他的慈恩,以便我更好的观想。我想和您分享此像。So I have recomposed this holy image with seals to repay His kindness and for my better visualisation . I would like to share it with You.

正是出于这个原因,我开发了一种投射技巧,并不需要依赖于观想来对星体躯体施加压力以使它分离。This being the case, I developed a projection technique that does NOT depend on visualisation to exert pressure on the astral body to separate.

CCSI是一家专门从事开发空调及工程应用,以及虚拟现实和三维可视化工具软件的爱尔兰软件公司。CCSI Ltd specialises in developing software for Air conditioning and engineering applications as well as virtual reality and 3D visualisation tools.

特别是HA按钮可以从数控减影血管造影术中扣除,不妨碍大脑脉管系统的显像。In particular, the HA buttons could be subtracted on Digital Subtraction Angiography and did not obstruct visualisation of the cerebral vasculature.

大多数视力正常的人也在任何种类的观想上遇到巨大困难,而且所有的投射技巧极大地依赖于观想。The majority of sighted people also have great trouble with visualisation of any kind, and all projection techniques depend heavily on visualisation.

视觉想象也可以帮助你改变思维习惯,因为通过想象你可以选择自己喜欢的一些经历,并把它们放入脑海中。Visualisation also helps to change mind habits because by visualising you select what experiences you would like to have by playing them in your mind.

对汇聚的题目一个简单的频率分析给我们关于在调查表上提到次数最多的书一个简洁的“一致同意”的可视化的目录。A simple frequency analysis on the gathered titles gives us a neat ‘consensus cloud’ visualisation of the most mentioned books titles across the polls.

为了把信息视觉化,尽可能多的东西被压缩成原始数据才可以以视觉化表现出来,有时这种方式不同寻常。For the purposes of data visualisation as many things as possible are reduced to raw data that can be presented visually, sometimes in unexpected ways.

在本教程中,您将学习如何顶部创建的情绪画,可以用作视频游戏概念艺术设计以及电影键可视化。In this tutorial you will learn how top create the mood paintings that can be used as Video Game concept art design as well as Movie key visualisation.

从逻辑推理、反应速度和空间想象力三项测试的结果来看,调查对象的得分首次明显低于之前的最高水平是在27岁。The first age at which performance was significantly lower than the peak scores was 27--forthree tests of reasoning, speed of thought and spatial visualisation.

从逻辑推理、反应速度和空间想象力三项测试的结果来看,调查对象的得分首次明显低于之前的最高水平是在27岁。Thee first age at which performance was significantly lower than the peak scores was 27 – for three tests of reasoning, speed of thought and spatial visualisation.