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我倒是想看看他们在赎罪日是否严格遵守绝食的规定。I'd like to see them do the black fast Yom Kippur.

1973年的赎罪日战争使这种变化板上钉钉。The 1973 Yom Kippur War put the seal on the shift.

阿拉伯石油禁运后接踵而来的是赎罪日战争。The Yom Kippur War was followed by an Arab oil embargo.

最神圣的日子是赎罪日,它是安息日中的安息日。And the holiest day is Yom Kippur, known as the Sabbath of Sabbaths.

赎罪日,但我在过去11来弥补犯下的过错。Yom Kippur, but I for the past 11 to make up for the fault committed.

至少赎罪日那天,我会在犹太会堂为此祈祷!At least that's what I was praying for in synagogue during Yom Kippur!

七十年代,则是赎罪日战争,及其在美国控制下的结果。In the seventies, the Yom Kippur War, its upshot controlled by the us.

她说自己还没能做到在犹太人赎罪日全天禁食,不过正在尝试这样做。She says she hasn't yet managed to fast a full day on Yom Kippur, though she is trying.

6章节介绍了在犹太人的赎罪日,应该遵循的程序。Chapter 16 describes the procedure to be followed on the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur.

英国正在经历这样一种“赎罪日”,空气中弥漫着赎罪和忏悔的气息。Britain is living through a sort of Yom Kippur moment. Atonement and repentance are in the air.

这一天是赎罪日开始之前,向人寻求宽恕赦免的最后机会。It represents a person's last opportunity to seek forgiveness from other people before Yom Kippur begins.

埃弗拉姆在赎罪日战争中受到关押和折磨,症状再不能消除了。The fever has taken its toll. Avram has never recovered from imprisonment and torture in the Yom Kippur war.

在星期五晚举办赎罪日活动前夕,犹太虔诚教徒在耶路撒冷古镇圣庙西墙进行祈祷。Jewish worshippers pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City, ahead of Yom Kippur, which begins on Friday evening.

当我妻子在为犹太赎罪日斋戒时,我岳父却在为伊斯兰教的斋月斋戒,而我一整天都得吃咖喱饺。Even when my wife fasts for Yom Kippur, and my father-in-law fasts for Ramadan, I get to stuff my face with samosas all day.

你知道吗?犹太人赎罪日和犹太新年是没有扎根于历史的宗教活动的唯一的假期。Did you know? Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah are the only Jewish holidays that do not have roots in a historical religious event.

犹太赎罪日是一个要我们回转的日子。是要我们对付妨碍我们真实自我发展的错误习惯。Yom Kippur is the time for teshuva, to return, the time to work on faulty character traits and habits that have obscured our true selves.

尽管法斯托的律师和政府检察官请求能让他在赎罪日假期后主动自首,但霍伊特法官拒绝了这一请求。Fastow's lawyers and government prosecutors asked that he be allowed to surrender voluntarily after the Yom Kiur holiday on Monday, Judge Hoyt refused.

尽管法斯托的律师和政府检察官请求能让他在赎罪日假期后主动自首,但霍伊特法官拒绝了这一请求。Fastow's lawyers and government prosecutors asked that he be allowed to surrender voluntarily after the Yom Kippur holiday on Monday, Judge Hoyt refused.

尽管法斯托的律师和政府检察官请求能让他在赎罪日假期后主动自首,但霍伊特法官拒绝了这一请求。Although Mr. Fastow 's lawyers government prosecutors asked that he be allowed to surrender voluntarily after the Yom Kippur holiday on Monday, Judge Hoyt refused. Mr.

尽管法斯托的律师和政府检察官请求能让他在赎罪日假期后主动自首,但霍伊特法官拒绝了这一请求。Although Mr. Fastow's lawyers and government prosecutors asked that he be allowed to surrender voluntarily after the Yom Kippur holiday on Monday, Judge Hoyt refused. Mr.