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你并不能突然变得聪明起来。You can't just zap your brain and become smart.

常规战就是要消耗一个国家的精力,资源和人力。Conventional wars zap a countries vitality, resources, and power.

油腻食物,酒精,运动和阳光会破坏你身体中的维他命E。Fatty food, alcohol , exercise, and sun zap vitamin E from the body.

如果以前没见过下面的这些图片,那你一定会被‘震’住。These images are sure to zap you in case you haven't seen these earlier.

但是游泳对于我来说,貌似在干掉糟糕情绪方面甚至是比跑步还要有效。But swimming, for me, seems to zap a bad mood more efficiently than even running.

过量饮酒后会使身体钾元素大量流失,也就是所谓的脱水现象。Drinking alcohol dehydrates the body, a process that can zap of you of potassium.

如果需要快速软化黄油,可以在微波炉里转20秒,或者把黄油用擦子擦成丝。To quickly soften butter, simply zap it in the microwave for 20 seconds or grate it.

服务器将不仅快速给你数据,而且给出显示它所需的销售分析小应用程序。The server will zap you not only the data, but also the sales-analysis applet you need to

本研究在感染了伊波拉病毒和马尔堡病毒的细胞中检验了锌指结构抗病毒蛋白的抗病毒效能。In this study ZAP was tested for its antiviral activity in cells infected with EBO and MAR.

为范伯格先生配备了更多的会计师、监察员和其他人员来详细查账,打击超额收费。Feinberg more accountants, examiners and others to pore over records and to zap overcharges.

服务器将不仅快速给你数据,而且给出显示它所需的销售分析小应用程序。The server will zap you not only the data, but also the sales-analysis applet you need to display it.

我们发现了一款全新的免费应用程序,只需轻轻一点,就能将那些机器人和不良用户彻底封杀。We've just found a new, completely free app that will zap those bots and bad users in just one click.

只有两种模型在大批量生产电动车的今天,即REVAXebra和攻击。There are only two models of electric cars in mass production today, namely the REVA and the ZAP Xebra.

星期四,土耳其向伊拉克北部扎普地区13处被怀疑是库尔德工人党的目标发动空袭。On Thursday, Turkey carried out air strikes on 13 suspected PKK targets in the Zap region of northern Iraq.

可不可以给癌细胞包裹上一层传导性物质,然后用无线电波烧死癌细胞?What if you could somehow infuse or coat cancer cells with a conductive substance and then zap them with radio waves?

许多有心率问题的重度心衰患者,现已可以使用植入式除颤器来调节心跳。Many people with severe heart failure already have defibrillators to zap their hearts if they suffer a rhythm problem.

当它们撞击到大气层时,它们就会制造出一阵继承元素粒子风暴,这阵风暴就会打击登山运动员与跳伞员。When they hit the atmosphere they create showers of daughter particles that zap mountaineers and people in aeroplanes.

午休的时段可以抓取某个需要修补的壶孔的照片并传给合适的专家。During your lunch break you could snap a picture of a pothole that needs patching and zap it to the proper authorities.

也许最有效的发现是,在深夜饮用一剂量的酒精会抵消睡眠的功效。Perhaps the most potent finding is that just a single dose of alcohol in the late evening can zap the efficacy of your z's.

这个手术是在Barnes-Jewish医院做的,而这时我们国家第三例用激光杀死肿瘤的手术。Barnes-Jewish Hospital, where the operation took place, is the third hospital in the country to zap brain tumors with lasers.