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The aim of this project is to code all Leetcode Challenges from Easy to Hard in different languages. My C files are prepared to work with norminette within 42 school and they are tested with my own functions.

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Leetcode challenges

The aim of this project is to code all Leetcode Challenges from Easy to Hard in different languages. My C files are prepared to work with norminette within 42 school and they are tested with my own functions, so you will probably see ft_* instead of the library functions with the same names.

Already done

# Title Tags Difficulty Date
0001 Two Sum Array, Hash Table Easy 2020. 08. 16.
0007 Reverse Integer Math Easy 2020. 08. 20.
0009 Palindrome Number Math Easy 2020. 08. 21.
0013 Roman to Integer Math, String Easy 2020. 08. 22.
0020 Valid Parentheses String, Stack Easy 2020. 08. 27.
0021 Merge Two Sorted Lists Linked List Easy 2020. 08. 30.
0041 First Missing Positive Array Hard 2020. 09. 30.
0057 Insert Interval Array, Sort Medium 2020. 09. 13.
0058 Length of Last Word String Easy 2020. 09. 15.
0121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Array, Dynamic Programming Easy 2020. 09. 18.
0134 Gas Station Greedy Medium 2020. 09. 23.
0139 Word Break Dynamic Programming Medium 2020. 09. 29.
0152 Maximum Product Subarray Array, Dynamic Programming Medium 2020. 09. 11.
0165 Compare Version Numbers String Medium 2020. 09. 09.
0179 Largest Number Sort Medium 2020. 09. 25.
0198 House Robber Dynamic Programming Easy 2020. 09. 14.
0216 Combination Sum III Array, Backtracking Medium 2020. 09. 12.
0220 Contains Duplicate III Sort, Ordered Map Medium 2020. 09. 02.
0229 Majority Element II Array Medium 2020. 09. 22.
0290 Word Pattern Hash Table Easy 2020. 09. 07.
0299 Bulls and Cows Hash Table Easy 2020. 09. 10.
0389 Find the Difference Hash Table, Bit Manipulation Easy 2020. 09. 24.
0399 Evaluate Division Union Find, Graph Medium 2020. 09. 27.
0421 Maximum XOR of 2 Numbers in Array Bit Manipulation, Trie Medium 2020. 09. 16.
0459 Repeated Substring Pattern String Easy 2020. 09. 03.
0495 Teemo Attacking Array Medium 2020. 09. 26.
0713 Subarray Product Less than K Array, Two Pointers Medium 2020. 09. 28.
0724 Find Pivot Index Array Easy 2020. 10. 11.
0747 Largest Number At Least Twice of Others Array Easy 2020. 10. 31.
0763 Partition Labels Two Pointers, Greedy Medium 2020. 09. 04.
0835 Image Overlap Array Medium 2020. 09. 06.
0949 Largest Time For Given Digits Math Easy 2020. 09. 01.
0980 Unique Paths III Backtracking, DFS Hard 2020. 09. 20.
1022 Sum of Root to Leaf Binary Numbers Tree Easy 2020. 09. 08.
1041 Robot Bounded In Circle Math Medium 2020. 09. 17.
1094 Car Pooling Greedy Medium 2020. 09. 21.
1291 Sequential Digits Backtracking Medium 2020. 09. 19.
1305 All Elements in Two Binary Search Trees Sort, Tree Medium 2020. 09. 05.



The aim of this project is to code all Leetcode Challenges from Easy to Hard in different languages. My C files are prepared to work with norminette within 42 school and they are tested with my own functions.






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