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FAQBot - MOSA Hackathon - Winter 2020

FAQBot is an interactive Slack chat bot designed to assist new MCIT students with questions they have upon on-boarding to the program.


To create an app using the Bolt Framework Slack's Bolt Framework for node.js.

Demo Video



Scripts can be written as code blocks, and GitHub has several repositories with examples for optimizing code structure

Bot Interaction

FAQBot can respond based on a single keyword or multiple words. Slack API enables a wide breadth of other integrations which can be coded into FAQBot. It's helpful to plan out potential responses in advance as well as evaluating conversation flow patterns.

The User initiates the conversation with FAQBot

const { App } = require('@slack/bolt');
const store = require('./store');

const app = new App({
  signingSecret: process.env.SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET,
  token: process.env.SLACK_BOT_TOKEN

//When user clicks on FAQBot App
//Event is triggered which starts the interaction

app.event('app_home_opened', ({ event, say }) => {  
  // Look up the user from DB
  let user = store.getUser(event.user);
  if(!user) {
    user = {
      user: event.user,
    say(`Hello there, and welcome <@${event.user}>!`);
  } else {
    say('Hi again!');

// Start your app
(async () => {
  await app.start(process.env.PORT || 3000);
  console.log('⚡️ Bolt app is running!');

//Upon user saying hello//
//FAQBot provides overview//

app.message('hello', ({ message, say }) => {
  // say() sends a message to the channel where the event was triggered
    blocks: [
      "type": "section",
      "text": {
        "type": "mrkdwn",
        "text": `What's up <@${message.user}>? Great to see you here! I can help with Frequently Asked Questions such as:`
	    "type": "section",
	    "text": {
	      "type": "mrkdwn",
	      "text": "• Course Difficulty \n • What order to take core classes \n • Where to book Office Hours \n 
                  • Weekly hours spent on homework"

//Same as above greeting message but including Direct Mention
//FAQBot responds with 'hello' message

app.event ('app_mention', ({ event, say }) => {
    blocks: [
      "type": "section",
      "text": {
        "type": "mrkdwn",
        "text": `What's up? Great to see you here! I can help with Frequently Asked Questions such as:`
    	"type": "section",
    	"text": {
	     "type": "mrkdwn",
	     "text": "• Course Difficulty \n • What order to take core classes \n • Where to book Office Hours 
       \n • Weekly hours spent on homework"

The user can now begin asking questions. Messages are initiated with a keyword.

Sample Conversation

//When someone asks how long they can expect to spend on homework
//This will be updated with a REGEX to include additional terms like 'time', etc.
//FAQ responds with average weekly time spent based on student feedback

app.message('week', ({ say}) => say('Well, it depends on your experience level, but the average seems to be 15-20 hours a week.'));

//When someone asks what order to take core classes
//FAQbot responds with student consensus

app.message('order', ({ say }) => say('Your fellow classmates believe the best path for students who work is to take 591/592 together, 
            593 alone, 594/596 together and 595 alone.'));

//When someone asks about course difficulty
//FAQbot responds with student opinions

app.message('hard', ({ say }) => say('Many students say 593 and 595 are the most difficult core classes.'));

//When someone asks how to book office hours
//This will be changed to a REGEX to include multiple key words like 'book', etc.
//FAQBot responds with the link to booking site

app.message('office', ({ say }) => say('Office hours can be scheduled via'));

//When someone says "Thank you" or "Thanks"
//FAQBot responds with say(string) to end conversation

app.message('thank', ({ say}) => say("You're welcome, have a good day!"));

//Just a little levity
//When a robot hears badger used in a sentence
//FAQBot responds wittily 

app.message('badger', ({ say }) => say('Badgers? BADGERS? WE DON’T NEED NO STINKIN BADGERS'));


Winter 2020 Hackathon Project






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